About this program

Explore the potential of nanotechnology. And take advantage of the rare opportunity to study for a semester in Penn State's multi-million-dollar Nanofabrication Facility at University Park. There, you’ll experience working in a clean-room environment using industry-specific tools to create the silicon devices impacting the computer, communications, and electronics industries. 

Next steps...

You're on your way to becoming a tomorrow maker.



Boost Career Potential


Square-Foot Lab


At Penn College, we believe your educational experience should go beyond specialized skills. Real-world ready means taking a broader approach that builds communication skills, inspires collaboration, and encourages exploration of arts, history, and science.

​​Specialization requires in-depth knowledge and high-level proficiency. Students learn and apply major-specific concepts, skills, and methods.

  • Materials, Safety & Equipment Overview for Nanofabrication (PSU: ESC211) (EET272)
  • Basic Nanofabrication Processes (PSU: ESC212) (EET273)
  • Thin Films in Nanofabrication (PSU: ESC213) (EET274)
  • Advanced Lithography & Patterning Techniques (PSU: ESC214) (EET275)
  • Materials Modification in Nanofabrication (PSU: ESC215) (EET276)
  • Characterization, Packaging & Testing of Nanofabricated Structures (PSU: ESC216) (EET277)

​Perspectives are points of view, offering a variety of ways of understanding, interacting, and influencing the world. Students identify, explain, and utilize the approaches used by academics and professionals to study, analyze, or understand problems, and offer solutions.

​​Foundations are the practical, intellectual, and social skills: communication, collaboration, critical and ethical thinking, quantitative thinking, and technological literacy that are crucial to every student at every stage of education and at every stage of life.


Penn State Nanofabrication Lab

World-class capabilities are at your fingertips in this progressive 9,500 sq. ft. integrated lab facility.  

Tour Schedule

Seeing is believing.

Think Penn College might be a good fit for you? Make plans to visit and discover what hands-on learning is all about.

Mar 1

Undergraduate Open House

Saturday, March 19 AM - 3 PM


Apr 6

Undergraduate Open House

Sunday, April 69 AM - 3 PM


More tour dates are on the way.

But let's customize a tour for you now. Call, chat, or email for options.

Need a different date?

Let's customize a tour for you now. Call, chat, or email for options.


Admissions Office

Penn College News

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

TC Energy Corp. awards grant to Penn College

Pennsylvania College of Technology recently received a $75,000 grant from a major North American energy company. TC Energy Corp., through its Build Strong program, awarded the grant in support of mechatronics education and the college’s dual-enrollment efforts.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Passing the torch on 'Her Perfect Pathway'

Penn College alumnus Lauryn Stauffer strolled down memory lane and into the Tomorrow Makers podcast studio to share her full-circle moments in education in “Her Perfect Pathway.” Returning for the recent Wildcat Weekend with her Penn College pup Milo in tow, the 2023 robotics & automation graduate and “born teacher” shares how she’s passing the torch and lighting her students’ sparks at Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School, the same career and technical school where it all started for her.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Spring flashback: Northern Ireland visitors are a highlight

Before diving into summer, Penn College News takes a look back at a spring semester highlight: the two-week visit by our new friends from Northern Ireland's North West Regional College. The contingent of 12 students and two faculty members visited Penn College early last month. Half of the group is studying cybersecurity at NWRC, with the others focused on engineering.

More Information

  • A competency credential must be completed within three years of enrollment in the credential.
  • Non-traditional credit such as credit-by-exam, work/life experience, and transfer credit is limited to one third of the total credits in the credential.  Two thirds of the requirements must be completed by course enrollment.
  • Students must earn a grade of C or better in each course to merit the credential.

Alternative Credit refers to academic credits earned through means other than traditional college course completion, including: credit by exam, articulation, proof of competency gained in high school, work/life experience, and advanced placement.

Visit the Alternative Credit Options page for requirements and procedures and for information on credit through Advanced Placement.

  • Career Fair Connections

    Penn College graduates are in high demand. Employer participation at the Career Fair is proof. Attracting 400+ organizations, this popular event is hosted twice per year and introduces students to all types of businesses from startups to Fortune 500 companies. 

    Learn More About Career Fair