
Tanya Berfield, Director of Student Advocacy/Title IX Coordinator

matches /students/student-affairs/student-policy/nondiscrimination-statement-and-grievance-procedure ... percision: 6 of


Heather Rider, Senior Director of Employee Success/Title IX Deputy Coordinator

matches /students/student-affairs/student-policy/nondiscrimination-statement-and-grievance-procedure ... percision: 6 of

Nondiscrimination Statement

Pennsylvania College of Technology is committed to providing an educational environment that provides equal access to all students. Penn College prohibits discrimination or harassment against any person because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, disability/handicap, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, status as a protected veteran, genetic information, or any characteristic against which discrimination is prohibited by applicable law.

The announcement of this policy is in accordance with State law, including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, and with Federal law, including Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (race, color, or national origin), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (sex), Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (disabilities), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (age).


Any student complaints of harassment or discrimination pertaining to education should be addressed through the College's Title VI, IX, and Section 504 process:

Tanya Berfield

Director of Student Advocacy/Title IX Coordinator
DJG, Rm. 1048
Phone: 570.320.5228


Heather Rider

Senior Director of Employee Success/Title IX Deputy Coordinator
DJG, Rm. 2010
Phone: 570.327.4770

Complaints can also be sent to:

Director of the Office for Civil Rights
Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Washington, D.C. 20202

For information on accommodations for persons with disabilities, contact:

Dawn Dickey, Director of Disability and Access Resources
Pennsylvania College of Technology
One College Avenue
Williamsport, PA 17701-5799
Phone: 570.320.5225
TTY: 570.321.5528
Fax: 570.327.4501

This notification is also available on file in Braille and audio in the following locations at the College:

  • Admissions, Student and Administrative Services Center, Room 1068
  • Madigan Library

Harassment and/or Discrimination Grievance Procedure

  1. A student who believes he/she has been a victim of any form of harassment and/or discrimination, based on a protected classification, should report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Deputy Coordinator.
  2. If, after reporting the incident, the student wishes to submit a formal complaint, he/she should do so in writing to the Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Deputy Coordinator. The complaint should contain the complainant’s name, address, contact information, and a description of the allegations of harassment and/or discrimination. In general, the complaint should be filed as soon as possible.
  3. If, after reporting the incident, the student does not submit a formal complaint, the Coordinator will still conduct an informal investigation into the allegation of harassment and/or discrimination. However, it should be noted that the ability to investigate and respond to the incident may be limited.
  4. The Title IX Coordinator will initiate an investigation and attempt to resolve the complaints promptly and fairly, with due regard to the interests of both the complainant and the alleged offender. Every reasonable effort will be made to conduct all proceedings in the most confidential manner possible.
  5. If necessary, the Coordinator will impose, any needed actions to promptly and effectively remedy any potential or existing issues related to the claim of harassment and/or discrimination.
  6. If it has been determined that harassment and/or discrimination has occurred, the perpetrator and the complainant will be informed in writing of the determination and of any sanctions imposed (the victim is normally not informed of what sanctions or disciplinary action has been taken against an employee of the College).
    If it has been determined that harassment and/or discrimination has not occurred, the alleged perpetrator and the complainant will be informed in writing.
  7. The complainant or the (alleged) perpetrator can request a reconsideration of the findings if dissatisfied with the determination of the Coordinator. The request for reconsideration shall be made within 7 business days of the receipt of the written determination and shall be submitted to the Coordinator in writing. The Coordinator will make a final determination and inform the parties in writing within 7 business days of the receipt of the request for reconsideration. In extenuating circumstances, the Coordinator has the right to extend this deadline and will so notify the parties. This level of review will be considered as a final level of internal appeal.
  8. The Coordinator will inform the complainant of the right to file complaints or charges with the appropriate state or federal agency.
  9. Retaliation in any form against an individual for reporting harassment and/or discrimination or for participating in an investigation of harassment and/or discrimination is a serious violation and, like the harassment and/or discrimination itself, will be subject to disciplinary action. Acts of retaliation should be reported immediately.

Tanya Berfield, Director of Student Advocacy/Title IX Coordinator

matches /students/student-affairs/student-policy/nondiscrimination-statement-and-grievance-procedure ... percision: 6 of


Heather Rider, Senior Director of Employee Success/Title IX Deputy Coordinator

matches /students/student-affairs/student-policy/nondiscrimination-statement-and-grievance-procedure ... percision: 6 of