Penn College News

Annual Scouting event meshes well with college curriculum

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Connie J. Plankenhorn, a physician assistant studies major and an EMT in College Health Services, provides a lifesaving demo.Scouts bundle up to survey the landscape under the day's brisk sunshine.Electronics instructor Ken J. Kinley shares his quarter-century-plus experience.Going green: Carl J. Bower Jr., assistant professor of horticulture, takes his young audience outside to explore the well-landscaped main campus.Kyle P. Amon (in red shirt), an engineering design technology student from Lafayette Hill, supervises a hands-on lab exercise.State-of-the-art instructional facilities and experienced faculty/staff enabled 164 Scouts from four states (Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania) to earn up to three merit badges during Saturday's fifth annual Merit Badge College on campus. "Penn College offered five of the 10 least-earned badges across all of Scouting (landscape architecture, composite materials, drafting, American labor and surveying)," noted Bradley M. Webb, dean of industrial, computing and engineering technologies. "Each of these badges links strongly to an academic program at the college. Since we are able to offer these 'rare' badges, our event – in coordination with the Susquehanna Council – is becoming a “go-to” event for Scouts throughout the U.S."
Photos by Juvy A. Orillaza, student photographer