Penn College News

Homecoming & Family Weekend Showered With Sweet Memories

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mother Nature was among the parents in town for Penn College's first Homecoming & Family Weekend, bringing persistent rain but failing to deter attendees from enjoying a full schedule of activities centered around "Our Proud Penn College Days." The turbulent weather prompted relocation of a number of those events, but the celebration – the first-ever melding of two formerly separate observances – went off with nary a hitch. Among the weekend offerings were a four-day carnival; dessert receptions in each of the college’s six academic schools; soccer matches; the Athletic Hall of Fame induction and banquet; an alumni golf outing; guided tours of campus and historic Williamsport; a tailgating lunch with President Davie Jane Gilmour; and an Oktoberfest that included a reunion of past student ambassadors, Student Government Association members and orientation leaders.

– Photos by Tia G. La and Grace F. Clark, student photographers;
Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor; Jennifer A. Cline, writer/magazine editor;
Larry D. Kauffman, digital publishing specialist/photographer;
Becky J. Shaner, manager of student/alumni engagement and special events;
Tom Wilson, writer/editor-PCToday; and Kimberly R. Cassel, director of alumni relations

Culinary arts and systems student Austin B. Ovens, of Elizabethtown, serves his “Tropical Tonic”: pineapple juice, watermelon syrup and fruit punch sorbet.

Culinary arts and systems student Austin B. Ovens, of Elizabethtown, serves his “Tropical Tonic”: pineapple juice, watermelon syrup and fruit punch sorbet.

Pokémon fan (as indicated by her table décor) and hospitality management student Caitlin M. McDermott, of Kutztown, adds a dollop of ice cream to her “Caitlin’s Kawaii Cranberry Cider,” a concoction of cranberry juice, chai tea and ice cream.

Pokémon fan (as indicated by her table décor) and hospitality management student Caitlin M. McDermott, of Kutztown, adds a dollop of ice cream to her “Caitlin’s Kawaii Cranberry Cider,” a concoction of cranberry juice, chai tea and ice cream.

Eliza B. Cook, a culinary arts and systems student from Towanda, pours “Peach Brio,” a frozen drink with a hint of ginger.

Eliza B. Cook, a culinary arts and systems student from Towanda, pours “Peach Brio,” a frozen drink with a hint of ginger.

Among those joining Hawkins (second from right) on her special night are former women’s volleyball coaches/assistant coaches (from left): Michelle W. Bower, Amber L. (Geckle) Dreese and Erin (McMahon) Skonecki. Dreese, ’07 applied human services and one of Hawkins’ former players, introduced Hawkins to the banquet crowd.

Among those joining Hawkins (second from right) on her special night are former women’s volleyball coaches/assistant coaches (from left): Michelle W. Bower, Amber L. (Geckle) Dreese and Erin (McMahon) Skonecki. Dreese, ’07 applied human services and one of Hawkins’ former players, introduced Hawkins to the banquet crowd.

In addition to family members and coworkers from Moff & Associates, two of Pavlov’s former Dining Services co-workers joined in her celebration: Denice D. Scott (left) and Vicki K. Killian, a dining services manager. As a student, Pavlov worked alongside Scott in Fresh.

In addition to family members and coworkers from Moff & Associates, two of Pavlov’s former Dining Services co-workers joined in her celebration: Denice D. Scott (left) and Vicki K. Killian, a dining services manager. As a student, Pavlov worked alongside Scott in Fresh.

President Gilmour addresses the Athletic Hall of Fame crowd in Le Jeune Chef.

President Gilmour addresses the Athletic Hall of Fame crowd in Le Jeune Chef.

John D. Vandevere, who took the helm as director of athletics in August, welcomes inductees and their guests to the banquet.

John D. Vandevere, who took the helm as director of athletics in August, welcomes inductees and their guests to the banquet.

Showing off the new Hall of Fame rings is Matt Blymier, assistant director of athletics/sports information director, who coordinated and emceed the banquet.

Showing off the new Hall of Fame rings is Matt Blymier, assistant director of athletics/sports information director, who coordinated and emceed the banquet.

Mike Paulhamus, former head coach of the cross-country team, presents Pavlov with her ring after introducing the accomplished runner.

Mike Paulhamus, former head coach of the cross-country team, presents Pavlov with her ring after introducing the accomplished runner.

Flint discusses the lingering impact that college sports (basketball and golf) has had on his life. His brother, Anthony – who graduated in 2010 in business administration: management information systems concentration – was also a member of the Wildcat basketball team.

Flint discusses the lingering impact that college sports (basketball and golf) has had on his life. His brother, Anthony – who graduated in 2010 in business administration: management information systems concentration – was also a member of the Wildcat basketball team.

Gene Bruno, former head coach of men’s basketball who delivered two humorous and inspiring introductions for Flint and Solyak, also acknowledged crucial support from his wife, Tracy, with whom he enjoyed the Hall of Fame festivities.

Gene Bruno, former head coach of men’s basketball who delivered two humorous and inspiring introductions for Flint and Solyak, also acknowledged crucial support from his wife, Tracy, with whom he enjoyed the Hall of Fame festivities.

PCT=Pretty Classic Token of hall-of-famers' legacy.

PCT=Pretty Classic Token of hall-of-famers' legacy.

Penn College sweethearts Solyak and his fiancee, Ayla C. Decker, '09 business management, enjoy the special evening in Le Jeune Chef.

Penn College sweethearts Solyak and his fiancee, Ayla C. Decker, '09, business management, enjoy the special evening in Le Jeune Chef.

The 2016 inductees to the Athletic Hall of Fame – (from left) Bambi Hawkins, Tamara Pavlov, Craig Flint and Greg Solyak – strike a winning pose with their new Wildcat bling. (Honorees had their choice of a ring or necklace pendant.)

The 2016 inductees to the Athletic Hall of Fame – (from left) Bambi Hawkins, Tamara Pavlov, Craig Flint and Greg Solyak – strike a winning pose with their new Wildcat bling. (Honorees had their choice of a ring or necklace pendant.)

Bingo players fill Madigan Library's first floor with one question: Will fortune be in the cards?

Bingo players fill Madigan Library's first floor with one question: Will fortune be in the cards?

Student Activities event assistants Alexandra M. Lehman and Duncan Rodriguez call out bingo numbers.

Student Activities event assistants Alexandra M. Lehman and Duncan Rodriguez call out bingo numbers.

Architectural technology faculty Geoffrey M. Campbell and Dorothy J. Gerring talk with a student and his family during a dessert reception.

Architectural technology faculty Geoffrey M. Campbell and Dorothy J. Gerring talk with a student and his family during a dessert reception.

Jason E. Krick (in beige), assistant professor of construction management, chats with a family.

Jason E. Krick (in beige), assistant professor of construction management, chats with a family.

Gerri F. Luke, dean of business and hospitality, engages alumni Christopher and Kaitlyn (Kennedy) DiStasio at the School of Business & Hospitality dessert reception in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant. Both DiStasios earned bachelor’s degrees in business administration: small business and entrepreneurship concentration in 2011.

Gerri F. Luke, dean of business and hospitality, engages alumni Christopher and Kaitlyn (Kennedy) DiStasio at the School of Business & Hospitality dessert reception in Le Jeune Chef Restaurant. Both DiStasios earned bachelor’s degrees in business administration: small business and entrepreneurship concentration in 2011.

A group visits with Kevin R. Derr, professor of legal assistant, over snacks.

A group visits with Kevin R. Derr, professor of legal assistant, over snacks.

A family gathers in the Early Childhood Education Resource Room.

A family gathers in the Early Childhood Education Resource Room.

First-year graphic design student Charles F. (Charlie) Blake with his parents, Michelle and Kevin, and little brother George.

First-year graphic design student Charles F. (Charlie) Blake with his parents, Michelle and Kevin, and little brother George.

Debbie and Paul Miller traveled from Bergen County, N.J., to visit with son Timothy J., a first-year student in the residential builder major.

Debbie and Paul Miller traveled from Bergen County, N.J., to visit with son Timothy J., a first-year student in the residential builder major.

First-year building construction technology student John J. Geise IV, of Mystic, Conn., shows Mom Jennifer around the construction and design facilities.

First-year building construction technology student John J. Geise IV, of Mystic, Conn., shows Mom Jennifer around the construction and design facilities.

Daniel J. Harris, instructor of HVAC technology, shows a family around a lab, describing what their son will learn over the next several semesters.

Daniel J. Harris, instructor of HVAC technology, shows a family around a lab, describing what their son will learn over the next several semesters.

A pop of color on a dreary weekend could be found in The College Store.

A pop of color on a dreary weekend could be found in The College Store.

A large crowd gathers in College Avenue Labs for the academic reception for the School of Industrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies (represented by David R. Cotner, dean, at left).

A large crowd gathers in College Avenue Labs for the academic reception for the School of Industrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies (represented by David R. Cotner, dean, at left).

David A. Pfahler, a freshman in plastics and polymer engineering technology, enjoys time with his parents who traveled to campus from Telford.

David A. Pfahler, a freshman in plastics and polymer engineering technology, enjoys time with his parents who traveled to campus from Telford.

Torrential rains didn’t stop a crowd of family members heading to the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center for a tour.

Torrential rains didn’t stop a crowd of family members heading to the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center for a tour.

Automotive technology student James T. Wade shows his family a project he’s working on (replacing an injection pump) in the automotive labs. The family journeyed to campus from Lafayette Hill.

Automotive technology student James T. Wade shows his family a project he’s working on (replacing an injection pump) in the automotive labs. The family journeyed to campus from Lafayette Hill.

Nursing student Kimberly A. Ward, of Morrisdale, shows her parents a high-tech manikin in the nursing labs.

Nursing student Kimberly A. Ward, of Morrisdale, shows her parents a high-tech manikin in the nursing labs.

Kristen E. Bowes and her mother, Kate, enjoy watching Kristen’s twin sister, Colleen, compete with the Wildcat women’s soccer team.

Kristen E. Bowes and her mother, Kate, enjoy watching Kristen’s twin sister, Colleen, compete with the Wildcat women’s soccer team.

With an injured ankle wrapped in plastic, Francesca M. Timpone and soccer teammate Tania Parra smile through a damp and muddy day.

With an injured ankle wrapped in plastic, Francesca M. Timpone and soccer teammate Tania Parra smile through a damp and muddy day.

During their performance, moved into the Klump Academic Center Auditorium from the carnival midway, rePercussion enlists a young helper ...

During their performance, moved into the Klump Academic Center Auditorium from the carnival midway, rePercussion enlists a young helper ...

... and encourages audience members to accompany them on

... and encourages audience members to accompany them on "air drums."

Alumni Mike Cunningham (left), the college's vice president for information technology/chief information officer, and brother Don attend an Oktoberfest in the Thompson Professional Development Center.

Alumni Mike Cunningham (left), the college's vice president for information technology/chief information officer, and brother Don attend an Oktoberfest in the Thompson Professional Development Center.

The president talks with Pam Schuman, whose late husband, Chester D., was the college's longtime admissions director and golf coach. A quilt is being raffled to raise money for a memorial scholarship fund.

The president talks with Pam Schuman, whose late husband, Chester D., was the college's longtime admissions director and golf coach. A quilt is being raffled to raise money for a memorial scholarship fund.

Carolyn R. Strickland (second from left), vice president for enrollment management/associate provost, talks with returning student leaders. Clockwise from left are alums Erin A. Karpich, Mark R. Capellazzi (now a Penn College admissions representative) and Sabrena A. O’Keefe.

Carolyn R. Strickland (second from left), vice president for enrollment management/associate provost, talks with returning student leaders. Clockwise from left are alums Erin A. Karpich, Mark R. Capellazzi (now a Penn College admissions representative) and Sabrena A. O’Keefe.

The president welcomes a PDC crowd comprising graduates and former student leaders.

The president welcomes a PDC crowd comprising graduates and former student leaders.

In her first big event as the college's director of alumni relations, Kimberly R. Cassel welcomes grads and former student leaders to reunions in the PDC.

In her first big event as the college's director of alumni relations, Kimberly R. Cassel welcomes grads and former student leaders to reunions in the PDC.

Barely on the job for a month, athletic director John D. Vandevere is comfortably at home working the room.

Barely on the job for a month, athletic director John D. Vandevere is comfortably at home working the room.

Against a backdrop of fellow students and a table full of bingo prizes, Lauren J. Crouse (right) calls numbers with the timing and lively patter of a stand-up comedian.

Against a backdrop of fellow students and a table full of bingo prizes, Lauren J. Crouse (right) calls numbers with the timing and lively patter of a stand-up comedian.

The Forman family from Middleton, Del., intently watches for winners – including Jackson A. (left), an information technology sciences-gaming and simulation major.

The Forman family from Middleton, Del., intently watches for winners – including Jackson A. (left), an information technology sciences-gaming and simulation major.

Bryonna A. Aldubayan, a pre-applied health studies: occupational therapy concentration major, registers her excitement (and delights her entire table) with a bingo victory.

Bryonna A. Aldubayan, a pre-applied health studies: occupational therapy concentration major, registers her excitement (and delights her entire table) with a bingo victory.

Filling a table unto itself is the Caler family, back for its second year of bingo fun. Son Noah T. (in blue) is a business management major.

Filling a table unto itself is the Caler family, back for its second year of bingo fun. Son Noah T. (in blue) is a business management major.

Wildcat golf coach Matt Haile took on challengers at the par 3 13th hole. making it tougher than ever with his second career hole-in-one.

Wildcat golf coach Matt Haile took on challengers at the par 3 13th hole. making it tougher than ever with his second career hole-in-one.

Alums Jeffrey Benko and Timothy Swank, along with two friends, were good sports at the dress-up hole.

Alums Jeffrey Benko and Timothy Swank, along with two friends, were good sports at the dress-up hole.

Befitting Halloween season, this women's foursome fashioned itself as

Befitting Halloween season, this women's foursome fashioned itself as "Best Witches."

Determined to finish out the hole, these women persevered in near-horizontal rain at White Deer Golf Course.

Determined to finish out the hole, these women persevered in near-horizontal rain at White Deer Golf Course.

Particularly popular was the marshmallow-driving contest ...

Particularly popular was the marshmallow-driving contest ...

... organized by students at the fifth tee.

... organized by students at the fifth tee.

Majoring in building automation technology: mechatronic engineering technology concentration, Kyle B.. Schimmel is reunited with his parents from York.

Majoring in building automation technology: mechatronic engineering technology concentration, Kyle B.. Schimmel is reunited with his parents from York.

... Wednesday's flag football game between first-year students and upperclassmen.

... Wednesday's flag football game between first-year students and upperclassmen.

Awaiting the snap at one of the week's earliest Homecoming-related events ...

Awaiting the snap at one of the week's earliest Homecoming-related events ...

Hoodie-clad hospitality management students Taylor M. Barrett (left) and Crystal L. Harker ward off the evening chill.

Hoodie-clad hospitality management students Taylor M. Barrett (left) and Crystal L. Harker ward off the evening chill.

Framed by flames are (from left) Samantha K. Steiger, Emily R. Sillaman and Libby M. Gingrich, all majoring in pre-dental hygiene.

Framed by flames are (from left) Samantha K. Steiger, Emily R. Sillaman and Libby M. Gingrich, all majoring in pre-dental hygiene.

Pitching for prizes

Pitching for prizes

The Gravitron, among the more popular rides on the Madigan Library lawn

The Gravitron, among the more popular rides on the Madigan Library lawn

A whirl of lights adds excitement (and local color) to the campus landscape.

A whirl of lights adds excitement (and local color) to the campus landscape.

Taking some of the edge off a damp Thursday evening is the Homecoming bonfire, this year moved to the library lawn.

Taking some of the edge off a damp Thursday evening is the Homecoming bonfire, this year moved to the library lawn.

Scott R. and Elaina (Stone) Mundorff return to campus in a blaze of Homecoming triumph. Scott holds two diplomas – including a 2010 web and applications development degree that he employs at Primus Technologies; his wife earned a general studies degree last year.

Scott R. and Elaina (Stone) Mundorff return to campus in a blaze of Homecoming triumph. Scott holds two diplomas – including a 2010 web and applications development degree that he employs at Primus Technologies; his wife earned a general studies degree last year.

It's tradition over nutrition, this irrefutable fact: You cannot have a carnival without cotton candy and funnel cake.

It's tradition over nutrition, this irrefutable fact: You cannot have a carnival without cotton candy and funnel cake.

Students Austin N. Potter (left) and Ross L. Crowl stand before an attractive addition to campus: SASC shrubbery lights in Wildcat blue. Potter is a diesel technology major; Crowl is enrolled in heavy construction equipment technology: operator emphasis.

Students Austin N. Potter (left) and Ross L. Crowl stand before an attractive addition to campus: SASC shrubbery lights in Wildcat blue. Potter is a diesel technology major; Crowl is enrolled in heavy construction equipment technology: operator emphasis.

Jessica J. Sammon, a non-degree student from Scotland, enjoys the Thursday night activities.

Jessica J. Sammon, a non-degree student from Scotland, enjoys the Thursday night activities.

Team Swag shows off its carny spoils.

Team Swag shows off its carny spoils.

Winning smiles are displayed by Lacey M. Watson, a business administration: sport and event management concentration student, and Isaac W. Faubion, who holds two architecture-related degrees from the college.

Winning smiles are displayed by Lacey M. Watson, a business administration: sport and event management concentration student, and Isaac W. Faubion, who holds two architecture-related degrees from the college.

Enjoying the campus nightlife are John H. Heyen (left), a machine tool technology student, and Ian E. Gardepe, majoring in engineering design technology.

Enjoying the campus nightlife are John H. Heyen (left), a machine tool technology student, and Ian E. Gardepe, majoring in engineering design technology.

Infusing the campus with their enthusiasm and personality are (from left) students Alexandra Petrizzi, Johnathan T. Capps, Tasia A. Werkmeister and Tanner A. Huff.

Infusing the campus with their enthusiasm and personality are (from left) students Alexandra Petrizzi, Johnathan T. Capps, Tasia A. Werkmeister and Tanner A. Huff.

Students weigh their options under the neon night sky.

Students weigh their options under the neon night sky.

Step right up, everyone's a winner!

Step right up, everyone's a winner!

The midway beckons those willing to tempt Lady Luck.

The midway beckons those willing to tempt Lady Luck.

The car show was organized by Ryan J. Bollinger, who graduated this year in automotive restoration technology and has returned for his bachelor's degree in applied management.

The car show was organized by Ryan J. Bollinger, who graduated this year in automotive restoration technology and has returned for his bachelor's degree in applied management.

Protecting one's investment from the elements

Protecting one's investment from the elements

Paul M. Lasell, a plastics and polymer engineering technology student, shows off a car he

Paul M. Lasell, a plastics and polymer engineering technology student, shows off a car he "built from scratch."

Phi Mu Delta brothers turn out for their charity event, held on the Hager Lifelong Education Center parking lot to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Phi Mu Delta brothers turn out for their charity event, held on the Hager Lifelong Education Center parking lot to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

Phi Mu Delta President Ian G. Bubb, a plastics and polymer engineering technology major, stares down a photographer at the car show.

Phi Mu Delta President Ian G. Bubb, a plastics and polymer engineering technology major, stares down a photographer at the car show.

Mitchell J. Berninger, a web and interactive major and member of the Phi Mu Delta brotherhood, checks out an entry at the fraternity-sponsored car show.

Mitchell J. Berninger, a web and interactive major and member of the Phi Mu Delta brotherhood, checks out an entry at the fraternity-sponsored car show.

A Homecoming tradition continues on the Student & Administrative Services Center lawn.

A Homecoming tradition continues on the Student & Administrative Services Center lawn.

Returning grads take on current students in an Ultimate Frisbee match ...

Returning grads take on current students in an Ultimate Frisbee match ...

On hand for Ultimate Frisbee are Joshua L. Blank (left), a 2015 graduate in information technology: information assurance and security concentration, and Patrick J. Maeulen, enrolled in information assurance and cyber security.

On hand for Ultimate Frisbee are Joshua L. Blank (left), a 2015 graduate in information technology: information assurance and security concentration, and Patrick J. Maeulen, enrolled in information assurance and cyber security.

... won by the alumni team, here with organizer/mentor/plastics professor Kirk M. Cantor (second from left).

... won by the alumni team, here with organizer/mentor/plastics professor Kirk M. Cantor (second from left).

... with a menu that included barbecued-chicken sandwiches, veggie burgers, salads and admission to a dessert reception later in the day.

... with a menu that included barbecued-chicken sandwiches, veggie burgers, salads and admission to a dessert reception later in the day.

Visitors enjoy an indoor picnic ...

Visitors enjoy an indoor picnic ...

President Davie Jane Gilmour and husband Fred welcome guests to a pre-soccer tailgate in the Field House.

President Davie Jane Gilmour and husband Fred welcome guests to a pre-soccer tailgate in the Field House.

Clay R. Beaston (right), a construction management student from Thompsontown, with parents Jody and Jeff

Clay R. Beaston (right), a construction management student from Thompsontown, with parents Jody and Jeff

Nothing can dampen this family's fun!

Nothing can dampen this family's fun!

Anthony J. Pace (right), the college's new director of student activities, with student leaders Alexandra M. Lehman and Nicholas V. Walker, and a phenomenal feline VIP.

Anthony J. Pace (right), the college's new director of student activities, with student leaders Alexandra M. Lehman and Nicholas V. Walker, and a phenomenal feline VIP.

A multigenerational portrait of pride

A multigenerational portrait of pride

It rained cats and dogs, but not all 'cats got wet!

It rained cats and dogs, but not all 'cats got wet!

Sideline wisdom from coach John F. McNichol Jr.

Sideline wisdom from coach John F. McNichol Jr.

Midfielder Jane M. Herman, whose penalty kick provided the second goal in the Wildcats' Saturday victory against Cazenovia, moves the ball downfield.

Midfielder Jane M. Herman, whose penalty kick provided the second goal in the Wildcats' Saturday victory against Cazenovia, moves the ball downfield.

Forward Tiffany L. Brown, in the midst of Saturday's action

Forward Tiffany L. Brown, in the midst of Saturday's action

Biology instructor Tammy A. Miller catches the Saturday soccer action with husband Nathan D., a 1999 graduate in plastics and polymer technology, and sons David and Nate.

Biology instructor Tammy A. Miller catches the Saturday soccer action with husband Nathan D., a 1999 graduate in plastics and polymer technology, and sons David and Nate.

Michael J. Policare (center), a heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology major from Allentown, shares the weekend with a friend, sister and parents.

Michael J. Policare (center), a heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology major from Allentown, shares the weekend with a friend, sister and parents.

Some visitors used the River Valley Transit trolley to get around campus (and the community) while others braved the soggy slog on foot.

Some visitors used the River Valley Transit trolley to get around campus (and the community) while others braved the soggy slog on foot.

Glowing centerpieces in Wildcat blue, a special touch by April M. Yancey, secretary/receptionist for athletics, adorn the Hall of Fame banquet tables.

Glowing centerpieces in Wildcat blue, a special touch by April M. Yancey, secretary/receptionist for athletics, adorn the Hall of Fame banquet tables.