Penn College News

College Dental Hygiene Clinic Among 'Sealant Saturday' Hosts

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hannah E. Hackenburg, of Mill Hall (left) and Callie M. Bush, Tower City, both majoring in dental hygiene: health policy and administration concentration, apply preventive sealants.Emily M. Yoder, a dental hygiene: health policy and administration concentration student from Catawissa, engages a patient's sibling.Dental hygiene students Brittany R. Hartzler, of Dover (left), and Natalina R. D'Urso, of Greenville, promote healthy snacks at their oral-health education station.Dental hygiene: health policy and administration concentration student Kimberly Beichner, of Cranberry, with a happy patientPenn College was among more than 20 busy sites statewide this past weekend as the  Pennsylvania Dental Hygienists’ Association continued its annual "Sealant Saturday."
Photos by Kim A. Speicher, dental hygiene instructor