Penn College News

Fitness Fans Flock to 'Healthy Weight Week' Activities

Friday, January 20, 2012

Brian R. Newcomer, surrounded by family and friends before his presentation Speaker shows before-and-after photos Infectious energy fuels Zumba session YogaFit a proven stress-relieverEvents for Healthy Weight Week once again drew a crowd interested in trying new forms of fitness and learning more about living a healthy lifestyle. Free Zumba, instructed by Christina "Gigi" Dammer, and YogaFit, led by Erica Lemasters, offered fun and effective ways to relieve stress and burn some extra calories. On Thursday, family and friends gathered to support alumnus Brian R. Newcomer ('93, legal assistant-paralegal; and '98, nursing), as he detailed his journey from a sedentary life to completing races such as the Megatransect in his words, "going from couch to 100K." He shared entertaining stories, as well as pictures and videos of his experiences while training and racing in the "PA Wilds," including several rattlesnake sightings and awe-inspiring views from atop mountains in the area. Photos by Kristi L. Hammaker, health and fitness specialist