Penn College News

Camp ESCAPE Visits Pennsylvania Game Commission

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jeremy Bottorf pressed into service Tagging the bear Awaiting return to the wildYoungsters in Penn College's summer Camp ESCAPE program visited the Pennsylvania Game Commission on Wednesday. When the campers arrived, they thought they were only there to learn about Pennsylvania wildlife from one of the game wardens ... but they also got to see a live bear! As campers gathered in the conference room, the game warden announced that a tranquilized bear was being transported to the facility. Fifteen minutes later saw the arrival of the animal, which weighed about 75 pounds and came from Cameron County. The bear was tagged in both ears by camp director Jeremy R. Bottorf, the college's intramural assistant; had a tooth pulled by the game warden and was prepared for release back into the wild. Photos by Bottorf and student Angel Stroud