Penn College News

'Eating Disorder Awareness Week' Aims for Healthy Self-Esteem

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'Operation Beautiful,' available at The College Store at a discounted price Eating Disorder Awareness Week is under way, with a number of relevant events centered around the theme of "Look Beyond the Mirror: Change the way you see yourself, not the way you look." A full schedule of activities, available on the Student Health Services website, focuses on self-acceptance and healthy self-esteem, rather than an obsession with the way one looks to others, which could possibly lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise and life-threatening disordered eating patterns. Caitlin Boyle, author of "Operation Beautiful" (which is on sale at The College Store), will be the featured speaker at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the SASC presentation room, followed by refreshments and a "Post-it Note Party" in the building's lobby.