Penn College News

Library Forum to Assess Personal Responsibility in Health, Fitness

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The role of personal responsibility in maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be addressed by an assistant professor of fitness and lifetime sports in an upcoming forum at Pennsylvania College of Technology's Madigan Library.

Judy Quinti, a faculty member in the college's School of Health Sciences, will present "Health Care and Fitness: Taking Responsibility for Your Health and Wellness Through Fitness" from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12, in the library's second-floor reading loft. The program, part of the Madigan Library Forum series, is free and open to the public.

"So much government emphasis on health care is aimed at "˜after the fact.' We cannot complain about the national cost when our society is 62-percent overweight and half of those are categorized as obese," Quinti said. "It is time to step up and learn how to take better care of ourselves to prevent the major risk factors that put us in harm's way."

Quinti will describe the eight major risk factors for early death, dispel myths about exercise requirements, show ways to increase quantity and improve quality of years, review basic nutritional needs, and allow time for specific questions.

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