Experience Inspires Learning

Published 10.24.2016

By Elaine Lambert.


“When you’re in high school, and you’re thinking about a career, you could think about what’s just going to make you a lot of money, or you could think about something that you’re going to be happy doing for the rest of your life.”

This advice, offered by a Pennsylvania College of Technology graduate, illustrates a primary theme of the Working Class public television series: inspiring students and teachers to connect academics with practical experiences and to relate classroom learning to careers.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question adults ask kids all the time. But, how often do we sit down and explore real career options with them? Do we help them understand how the things they learn in school apply to real-life challenges?

Have you ever wished you could go back to school with a greater appreciation for how the world works? I have often thought I would pay much closer attention and work harder—not for the grades, but to gain a greater understanding of things that I now need to know. That includes everything from planning my finances to understanding how systems and machines that I use every day actually work.

We know that education is mandatory, but do we understand that it is important? Do we explain to students how the lessons they are learning will make a difference in the quality of their lives?

Grad Cap

Grad Cap

In a recent Working Class producer’s blog post, I shared three simple things we can do to help inspire the next generation to make the most of their learning experiences. I also shared a bit more information about the Penn College graduate who shared the wise career advice quoted in the beginning of this article.

I hope you will check out the producer’s blog and tune in this week for the broadcast premiere of Working Class: Building and Grow Green. A production Penn College and WVIA Public Media, the show will air on Thursday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. on WVIA TV. It also will be available for online viewing after Thursday’s premiere on WorkingClass.tv.

If you are a K-12 educator interested in learning more about how you might incorporate Working Class video and resources into your classes, you are invited to attend a free workshop, Working Class: Connecting Classrooms & Careers, on Wednesday, Nov. 16, from 9-11 a.m. at WVIA Public Media Studios in Pittston. More details, including registration information is available on PCToday.

I would love to hear from you about your experiences in mentoring students as they begin to consider their future careers. Please share your comments any time through the Working Class producer’s blog.