Dr. Joshua Hill
Associate Professor, Speech Communication/Composition; Department Head
- jdh37@pct.edu
- 570.320.2400 ext. 7736
- ACC, Rm.203G

- Ph.D., Rhetoric, Duquesne University
- M.A., English, Texas A&M University
- B.A, English, Texas A&M University
Academic Experience
- 2012-2017, Instructor at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
- 2011-2012, Writing Across the Curriculum Consultant for Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL
- 2004-2011, Assistant Professor of English, Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL
- 2002-2004, Instructor in English, Blinn College, Bryan, TX
- 2001-2002, Instructor in English, Texas A&M University
- 2017, Dissertation of the Year Award, The Religious Communication Association
- 2014, Top Competitive Graduate Paper Award, Pennsylvania Communication Association
- 2014, Top paper panel, Rhetoric and Communication Theory division, National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL
- 2013, Top Competitive Graduate Paper Award, runner-up, Pennsylvania Communication Association
- “Paul Ricoeur: Interpreting the Otherness of Self.” In An Encyclopedia of Communication Ethics: Goods in Contention, ed. Ronald Arnett, Annette Holba, and Susan Mancino, Peter Lang Pub. (forthcoming).
- Review of Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief and 12 Rules for Life, by Jordan B. Peterson. The Journal of Communication and Religion vol. 42, no. 1 (2019): 99-104.
- “Teaching ‘Digital Natives’ to Think: A Media Ecology Approach.” In Teaching Information Literacy and Writing Studies, Vol. 2, ed. Grace Veach, Purdue University Press, 2019.
- “The Voice of Eloquence in Kenneth Burke’s Rhetoric and its Implications for Advertising Performance.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies vol. 2, no. 1 (2017): 7-24.
- “‘Good Readers’ in Narnia: C. S. Lewis’s Rhetoric of Invitation.” In The Rhetorical Power of Children’s Literature, edited by John Saunders (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016).
Joshua Hill works in both Communication and English, cousin disciplines, and he specializes in teaching speech, composition, and interpersonal communication. In addition to his teaching, he provides professional development and counseling in Writing Across the Curriculum to other Penn College professors and serves as head of the Communication and Literature department. He has presented a number of papers at both communication and English conferences, and his scholarly interests are in Media Ecology, hermeneutics, and the intersection of organizational communication and ecclesial rhetoric. A bicycle commuter, Hill works with local organizations to promote bicycle safety and infrastructure, and he volunteers time in the Newberry Community Partnership.