Alexander dealerships recognized for all-star support of students
Thursday, January 17, 2019
– Photos by Larry D. Kauffman, digital publishing specialist/photographer; and Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor

The Student Activities Office provided the perfect giveaway to keep Wildcat ears warm this winter.

The four special guests from Alexander Family Dealerships reflect the intensity of the women’s game.

The Alexander-provided scoreboard helps supporters keep tabs on the first-half action.

The college mascot assumes its post: starting guard over the large Bardo Gym crowd.

... and joins in the formal photo opportunity at center court. From left are Brandon Hugo, Business Development Center manager for the dealerships; Andrew Becker, sales manager at Alexander Kia; Joel Breneman, Alexander's chief information officer; Aubrey Alexander, the company’s property manager; Vandevere; and Loni N. Kline, vice president for institutional advancement at Penn College.

Breneman (in pink shirt) takes part in the freebie toss.


... who need very little provocation to show their spirit!

A shining example of philanthropy

Student-athletes and fans heed the call of the Wildcat.

John Vandevere (right), director of athletics, assists in the unveiling ...

Halftime festivities honor a valued corporate partner, whose generosity aids students in athletics AND academics.

Handshakes impart the institution's gratitude.

As swag flies into the stands, fans let their receptiveness be known!

Alexander (holding plaque at center) is surrounded by fans ...

Aubrey Alexander accepts a framed #9 Wildcat jersey, representing his Penn College graduation year.

Maci Ilgen (20), who tallied seven points on the night, soars above the lane.

Obens Luxama (2) added seven points, including this airborne field goal, in the men's overtime nail-biter.

The sky's the limit for Anthony Dietrick (33).