Penn College News

Pre-apprentices AMPed-up for advancement

Friday, May 20, 2022

Attendees get small-group attention from First Quality employees Zachary Kies, Rick Bloom and Karen Wertz.From left: Yoder, Gramling and Berger commend the pre-apprentices for successfully finishing the AMP program and being part of the skills-gap solution. "Apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships are really expanding in Pennsylvania," Berger said. "We hear a lot about a worker shortage; these programs are a way to train individuals for those positions."Instructors Yoder (left) and Gramling pose with Elisha Sam, who was among those recognized. "This speaks to your passion for lifelong learning and puts you in a position for success, no matter where it leads," Yoder said. "The skills you've attained are going to be with you forever, even if you're uncertain today," Gramling told them. "You now have the foundation that you're going to need to grow."Engaging ambassadors from West Pharmaceutical Services Inc. showcase some of the products manufactured at their various locations and talk with families about career opportunities. From left are Ronald Long, Karen Daugherty and Heather Allison.Groups rotated among the three businesses' tables, including this contingent with Kawneer's Sarah Moscatello.Penn College's Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Apprenticeship program culminated in graduation on Friday morning, followed by breakout networking opportunities with three of the initiative's industry partners. Seven of the pre-apprentices (four high schoolers and three young adults from across Pennsylvania) attended in person with their families, receiving certificates of completion and Certified Manufacturing Associate status from the Society for Manufacturing Engineers, among other credentials. Participants learn foundational knowledge and skills related to manufacturing careers during the semester-long program, a substantial commitment that was acknowledged at the ceremony by Ross A. Berger, manager of the MIDAS grant that funds the college's pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship offerings, and industry technology specialists Chris D. Gramling and Adam J. Yoder. The brief ceremony in Penn's Inn was followed by Industry Day and a campus tour; taking time to talk with the pre-apprentices were representatives of First Quality, Kawneer and West Pharmaceutical Services Inc.