Penn College News

Virtual tour highlights 'amazing' prospects for manufacturing grads

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

A new video on Penn College's YouTube channel offers a fair exchange: four minutes of your day for a rewarding lifetime in manufacturing. Join Richard K. Hendricks Jr., instructor of machine tool technology/automated manufacturing technology, for an in-depth tour of the college's hands-on facilities – instructional labs that reflect the desirability of our graduates to the industries that provide the state-of-the-art equipment housed within. Discover the benefits of immersive learning across all of the program's majors, from a one-year CNC machinist certificate to associate degrees in machine tool technology and automated manufacturing technology to a four-year degree in manufacturing engineering technology. "Manufacturing is thriving in this country, as well as other parts of the world, and our students are in constant demand," the 25-year faculty member says. "There's a shortage of people going into the trades, so we're very confident that our students are going to have multiple career opportunities. Job placement is almost guaranteed."