Penn College News

Forestry students extensively tour local veneer operation

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

South talks with forestry students during Monday's visit.Students in Erich R. Doebler's Forest Products class this week visited the Danzer plant on Reach Road, one of the few veneer mills in Pennsylvania. The group met with Paul R. South, a 2016 forest technology graduate of Penn College. He discussed the process of buying logs, specifications, in-demand species and how the log purchasing process is conducted. The students were also given a tour of the facility, where they were able to see the sawmill, as well as the log banding, log cooking, surfacing, slicing, drying and packaging processes. About a half-dozen Penn College alumni are employed by Danzer, formerly known as Keystone Veneers Inc. "This is an exceptionally personal tour," said the instructor (who also provided the photo), "and something right in our backyard that many do not get the opportunity to experience."