Penn College News

Students Aid Flu-Shot Clinic at College Health Services

Friday, September 22, 2017

Under the watch of Barbie D. Harbaugh, instructor of nursing, Bryce J. Merrill administers a flu shot to Kaitlyn E. Miller, a student in applied health studies, radiography concentration.Kaitlyn L. Andersen, of Mastic, N.Y., enrolled in the Fundamentals of Nursing course, swabs the arm of classmate Emily L. Tashner-Thompson, of Muncy.Jessica M. Dreese, a student in Adult Health Nursing I, immunizes nursing student Ciara N. Bond.Nursing student Michael G. Covone, like his classmates, uses both technical and communication skills while providing a flu vaccine to graphic design student Alexandria C. Wood.Students in one of four Adult Health Nursing I labs take their turn administering flu shots in College Health Services. From left are Covone, a student from Bellefonte; Harbaugh; and students Merrill, of Williamsport; Danita M. Robinson, of Watsontown; Ryan E. Reid, of Linden; Dreese, of Selinsgrove; Crystal S. Pearson, of Muncy; and Jessica L. Yoder, of Watsontown.Students in nursing and physician assistant majors put their skills to use this week in College Health Services, where they administered flu shots to the college community. The students were overseen by instructors as they provided the vaccines.