Penn College News

As Employees Dress Down, 'Patriot' Donations Go Up, Up, Up

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Penn College Wildcat, joined by financial aid personnel on Monday, prepares to canvass campus offices for spare-change scholarship donations. Accompanying the mascot, from left, are Michael D. Seitzer, a Veterans Affairs work-study student; Chet Beaver, financial aid specialist, veterans services; Dennis L. Correll, associate dean for enrollment management; Kara L. Daneker, financial aid specialist, needs analysis; Kimberly A. Venti, financial aid specialist, support services; Gale I. Grove, financial aid assistant; Jessica S. Hunter, assistant director of financial aid; and Jen M. Baker, financial aid specialist, federal programs.Clad in the official dress-down T-shirt and carrying a star-spangled collection can, Seitzer – a Williamsport resident enrolled in business administration: management concentration – prepares to venture out with the Wildcat and their team in search of contributions.Penn College's Patriot Scholarship, established to assist veteran students and their children, is 60 percent of the way to its objective – and well ahead of schedule. While more concrete figures will be available after Spring Break, the unofficial total for collections over the past 13 months stands at about $15,000. That represents substantial progress toward the $25,000 target for full endowment, a goal that organizers gave themselves three years to meet, and reflects the very giving spirit of the campus community. The Financial Aid Office staff, furthering the success it experienced with the Mary Beth Saar Memorial Scholarship, has collected about $1,300 in office solicitations this February and last, and about $5,000 by selling T-shirts to wear for "Red, White and Blue Jean Mondays."
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