Penn College News

'Out of the Darkness' Walk Collects More Than $8,500

Monday, October 24, 2016

A team of Penn College student-athletes, captained by Jackie Klahold, head softball coach/senior woman administrator, gathers near the start of the eighth annual Out of the Darkness Greater Lycoming Walk.Event organizer Mallory L. Weymer, Penn College’s coordinator of student health and wellness/suicide prevention specialist, welcomes walkers and reflects on the shattering death of a friend that cemented her personal connection to the cause.Counseling Services staffed a Serenity Tent in the ATHS atrium, providing a supportive and contemplative space for anyone in need. From left are counselors Brian J. Schurr, Mary Lee L. Kelly and Michael S. DiPalma.Walkers poignantly honor the memory of Charlotte C. "Charley" Roxberry, a plastics and polymer technology student lost to suicide in June 2015.Acknowledging a photographer during a stroll for healing and hopeSaturday evening's Penn College walk aimed at bringing the topic of suicide "Out of the Darkness" attracted 227 participants and raised $8,547 to fund local preventive efforts and awareness events. In partnership with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, teams of bundled-up walkers – some paying tribute to friends and family members, others joining in support and solidarity – traversed campus in a 5K loop that began and ended at the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center. The highest overall individual fundraiser was Eileen Sodano, the highest community team fundraiser was "In Memory of Rhian," the highest fundraiser among campus teams was Penn College Welding and the highest among student organizations was Phi Mu Delta (members of which were stationed along the route to direct foot traffic). Donations will be accepted through Dec. 31.
Photos by Tia G. La, student photographer