Penn College News

Quilt Raffle Raises More Than $1,800 for Schuman Scholarship

Friday, October 21, 2016

A handmade quilt ...... "created with love" in memory of Chester D. Schuman, a 34-year employee of the college ...... is delivered to winner Angela L. Frontz (right) by Sarah S. Moore, one of Schuman's two daughters.A recent quilt raffle raised $1,810 for the Chester D. Schuman Memorial Scholarship, which honors the former director of admissions and award-winning coach of the Wildcat golf team. Angela L. Frontz, a mathematics instructional specialist in the Academic Success Center, won the 71- by 83-inch quilt, which was handcrafted in Penn College colors by Schuman's wife, Pam; his sister, Kaye; and friend Kathy Eshelman. The family is grateful to all the college employees, friends, family and alumni who purchased tickets to benefit the scholarship fund.
Photos by Sarah S. Moore, deaf services specialist, and Dawn M. Dickey, assistant director, Disability Services