Penn College News

As Sun Sets on Another 'Connections' Group, Student Links Keep Things Light

Friday, July 11, 2014

Emma J. Sutterlin, a Connections Link and applied health studies: occupational therapy assistant concentration major from State College, enlivens the Uno table ...... with a contagious expressiveness that spills over into a game of Life with Peter B. McCartney, a manufacturing engineering technology major from Newark, Delaware.Comedian Michael Dean Ester, an orientation tradition, entertains the Connections crowd in Dauphin Hall.Incoming first-year students are mentored by seasoned campus veterans: from left, Links Kyle D. Bomboy, a physician assistant major from Unityville; Sutterlin; Jessica R. Wiegand, of Trout Run, enrolled in business administration: marketing concentration; and Gabrielle M. Leister, of Mifflintown, majoring in applied health studies: occupational therapy assistant concentration.Trevor I. Brandt (wearing a blue Link shirt), a web and interactive media major from Cashtown, helps smiles erupt during some serious Quizzo competition.The Connections orientation program continues through the summer, giving students and their guests a comprehensive welcome to Penn College. Small-group interaction allows students to get to know the campus – and one another – as they (and their parents) ease the growing pains of transition. While daytime sessions cover a variety of important topics relating to college life, there is ample time to unwind with board games, playing cards, trivia and other icebreakers. And who better to help document the after-hours fun than an in-the-know student?
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer