Penn College News

As Fiscal Clock Ticks Down, Alumni Urged to Step Up

Thursday, June 19, 2014

With barely a week of business days left in the fiscal year, the Institutional Advancement Office is only 35 alumni givers shy of its 842-donor goal. That objective, tied to Penn College's Strategic Plan, is to double the number of alumni contributors from 2009-14 in honor of the college’s 100th anniversary. First-time alumni donors are still eligible for the Penn College Foundation's Next Centennial Scholarship match, which adds $250 to every initial gift of at least $25. With each combined donation, a one-time scholarship will be awarded to a first-year student in the major from which the donor graduated. A loyal base of contributing graduates suggests that the college is worthy of support from fellow alumni, industry partners, students and friends of the college, and shows prospective students that alumni value their Penn College degrees and campus experiences. "As I visit with alumni from ages 23 to 83, the commonality among them is their pride in the degree they earned, and the personal and professional accomplishments that resulted," said Valerie L. Fessler, annual giving specialist. "I am confident that they will demonstrate that pride by helping us meet this goal and support our students."