Penn College News

A Floral Outlet for Artful Self-Expression

Friday, November 15, 2013

Benjamin A. King, a culinary arts and systems major from Elizabethtown, shares his floral-design "vision."Complexity, color blend in student's work.This creative entry springs from the head of Kendra J. Riggle, a culinary arts and systems student from Montoursville.A splash of sunshine yellowHannah E. Marquis, of Olney, Md., also majoring in culinary arts and systems, is accessorized for the occasion.Students in Christine A. Fink’s Art of Floral Design class shared their expressive flair for originality Thursday, showing off their playful side through jewelry (including necklaces, bracelets and earrings), headwear, decorative wall hangings, and other creative designs in their Schneebeli Earth Science Center horticulture lab.
Photos by Pamela A. Mix, secretary to the assistant dean of transportation and natural resources technologies