Penn College News

Design Students Open Portfolios to Adoring Public Eye

Monday, April 29, 2013

"Design: 2013" presents eight works by each of the 15 exhibiting seniors.Crystal J. Broscious gets a kiss from Mary E. Szuhaj, who enjoyed seeing her granddaughter's artistic presentation. Paul R. Watson II, assistant dean of integrated studies-programs, addresses the gallery crowd and congratulates the graduating seniors on their talents and hard work. The support of family and faculty was evident for Laurea A. Lapp (second from right), whose sisters – Brigid (far left) and Maggie – posed for a photo with David M. Moyer, assistant professor of graphic design.Gallery patrons take in the artistry of Angela R. Barletta at the far end of a wall of stunning student work.A showcase of student artwork, as varied as the 15 graduating graphic design majors who created it,  opened Friday in The Gallery at Penn College. "Design: 2013" features multiple faculty-selected pieces from the portfolios of  Angela R. Barletta, of Muncy; Heather C. Barnhart, of South Williamsport; Crystal J. Broscious, of Williamsport; Emily M. Cogswell, of Sugar Run; Christopher J. Cosgrove, of Jefferson Township; Daniel I. Henrickson, of Bloomsburg; Laurea A. Lapp, of Muncy; Michele D. Lucas, of Williamsport; Brittany L. Mase, of Liberty; Kristen P. Miller, of South Williamsport; Kyle R. Taylor, of Williamsport; Jessica L. Tobias, of Cogan Station; Nathan S. Santichen, of York; Michael A. Siemianowski, of Oakmont; and Lewis R. Weaver, of Centre Hall. Hours for the show, which continues through May 17 on the third floor of Madigan Library, are 1-4 p.m. Sundays, 2-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays. The gallery is closed Saturdays and Mondays.