Penn College News

Knowledgeable Forestry Students Renew 'Earth Day' Tradition

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jason C. Thompson (left), of Lawrenceville, and Darcy D. Litzelman III, of Liberty, demonstrate equipment used in lumbering.From a fitting vantage in a pondside pavilion, schoolchildren get a fishing lesson from Dustin S. Beane, of Kane, who was joined off-camera by Jenna H. Weston, of Altoona.Kyle A. Gibson (left), of Jersey Shore, and Michael A. Kocjancic, of Kane, discuss log-scaling and tree measurement.A two-and-a-half-month-old, a potential member of the Penn College Class of 20??, joins her parents and big brother for the Earth Day celebration.Wade S. Truitt, of McAllisterville, and Zachary L. Yetter, of Thompsontown (not shown), walk students through the sawmilling process.More than 50 fifth-graders from the Montgomery Area School District traveled Wednesday to the nearby Schneebeli Earth Science Center, where Penn College students were waiting to enlighten (as well as entertain questions from) their consistently inquisitive visitors. "I'm going to be taking more steps today than I usually do," predicted one youngster, embarking on his Earth Day-themed adventure in the School of Natural Resources Management's 400-plus acres of scenic woodland. "I'm going to be seeing trees, birdhouses, eagles and wildlife," another offered. "Can't wait!" Forestry professor Dennis F. Ringling, who annually coordinates the interactive event, maintains that his students should have sufficient command of their subject matter to share it with others – a responsibility not lost on the forest technology majors who staffed a series of information stations throughout the ESC campus. "It made me feel good to be complimented by one of the elementary teachers on my knowledge and teaching skill," said Jonathan M. Huey, of Woodward. "I enjoyed passing along what I've learned these past two years, and it was a good experience working with young and energetic students."
Photos by Carol A. Lugg, coordinator of matriculation and retention, School of Natural Resources Management