Penn College News

Penn College to Offer Basic Computer Course for Seniors

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Adults age 55 and older who want to learn more about using computers for fun, may enroll in a noncredit course being offered on the main campus of Pennsylvania College of Technology.

The easy beginners' classes, offered through Workforce Development & Continuing Education at Penn College, introduce the computer for enjoyment purposes. No prior computer knowledge is necessary.

The basic computer class will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Fridays, Jan. 13 and 20. The instructor will lead participants through entertaining games, emailing friends and family, surfing the Internet, buying and selling merchandise on eBay, basic word-processing for letter-writing, and other enjoyable and practical applications.

The class is fun and paced for the novice. The cost is $99.

To register, or to learn more about the classes, call 570-327-4775 or visit online .