Penn College News

Temporary Modular Classrooms Begin Arriving on Campus

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Driver threads his wide load through a narrow needle east of the ATHS Children's Learning Center youngsters, out for a midday walk, take in the spectacle with their group leaders The first of nine modular trailers is backed into place between the PDC and Victorian House Workers deftly traverse steel beams, as another truss is lowered into place for the addition to the ATC The first section of modular classroom space, which will temporarily house science laboratories displaced from the Hager Lifelong Education Center by part of Penn College's Stage X building program, was delivered to main campus late Tuesday morning. Nine 12-by-60-foot trailers (three each arriving from Allentown; Cherry Hill, N.J.; and Syracuse, N.Y.) will be on-site by the weekend, providing instructional space south of the Thompson Professional Development for the coming academic year. Stage X includes construction of additional student housing on the west side of campus, as well as extensive expansion of the Parkes Automotive Technology Center (where sure-footed work crews, shown in photo at far right,walked steel beams today).