Penn College News

Peggy Madigan Memorial Scholarship Recipient Announced

Friday, May 16, 2008

From left, Sen. Roger A. Madigan, Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship recipient Jeffrey Wright and Pennsylvania College of Technology President Davie Jane Gilmour.A student in the Athens Area School District is the latest recipient of an award from a scholarship established at Pennsylvania College of Technology in memory of the late wife of state Sen. Roger A. Madigan.

A selection committee has awarded the 2008 Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship to Athens Area High School senior Jeffrey Wright.

The scholarship is open to high school students who attend Sen. Madigan's annual "Pennsylvania's Tomorrow Starts Today" Student Government Seminar at Penn College and subsequently enroll as full-time students at the college.

Wright, who also attended the Northern Tier Career Center, will enter Penn College this fall, majoring in building construction technology.

The Peggy Madigan Memorial Leadership Scholarship may be used to help defray the costs of tuition, fees, books, tools and other required supplies. Applicants are required to write an essay describing the community service they have performed and the value that service has added to the community.

Wright is an active volunteer in his community and at his church. He has assisted residents at the Sayre House in different ways, including helping them take walks and working with the gardening group at the home. He built shelves for the Sayre Senior Center for his Eagle Scout project, and he built and donated a doghouse to the Ulster Humane Society.

Wright has also attended several student leadership conferences, and he serves as an usher at his church in Ulster.

The "Pennsylvania's Tomorrow Starts Today" Student Government Seminar, now in its 24th year, enables students from high schools throughout Madigan's legislative district to meet with elected officials, members of the state's executive branch, representatives of special-interest groups and members of the news media for a day of panel discussions providing insights into the workings of state government.

Penn College is a special mission affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, committed to applied technology education. With more than 6,500 students enrolled in bachelor-degree, associate-degree and certificate majors, Penn College has the second-largest enrollment in the Penn State system.

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