Penn College News

Penn College Scholarship Supported by Landscaping Firm

Thursday, November 29, 2007

From left%3A Angela Barr, administrative specialist at Eichenlaub Inc.%3B Daniel Eichenlaub, company president%3B Mary A. Sullivan, dean of Pennsylvania College of Technology%E2%80%99s School of Natural Resources Management%3B and Carl J. Bower, a member of the school%E2%80%99s horticulture faculty.A Pittsburgh-based landscaping company has provided a boost to a growing scholarship fund for students studying landscape technology at Pennsylvania College of Technology.

Daniel Eichenlaub, president of Eichenlaub Inc. Landscape Contractor, visited Penn College's Earth Science Center near Allenwood recently to present a check for $1,000 to support the Richard J. Weilminster Scholarship Fund.

The scholarship fund is building to endowment, after which it will serve as a permanent source of scholarship awards for eligible students in the landscape technology emphasis of Penn College's ornamental horticulture associate-degree major.

Weilminster, who retired from teaching in August 2006 after a 34-year career at the college, received the Master Teacher Award (now the Veronica M. Muzic Master Teacher Award) in 1986 and was granted professor emeritus status upon his retirement.

In 1996, the American Landscape and Nursery Association recognized Weilminster's outstanding work with students by naming him the recipient of its national horticulture collegiate teaching award: the L.C. Chadwick Educator's Award.

In 2005, Weilminster received the Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association's highest membership honor: the Frederick J. Mummert Distinguished Service Award. Weilminster served on the PLNA's board of directors for 21 years, including a term as board president. He is also a PLNA life member and Hall of Fame honoree.

Eichenlaub and Weilminster worked together closely through their affiliation with the PLNA.

"I'm very proud to support the Weilminster Scholarship," Eichenlaub said. "I have a great deal of respect for the contribution Rich has made to the horticulture profession over the years."

Eichenlaub noted his company continues to actively recruit new employees and student interns from Penn College's ornamental horticulture major.

Once it reaches endowment, the Richard J. Weilminster Scholarship Fund will generate awards based on a preference for full-time students who have completed at least two semesters of study, demonstrated academic performance and financial need, and who have demonstrated a passion for and dedication to the profession of landscape technology.

Donations supporting the scholarship fund can be sent to the Penn College Institutional Advancement Office, One College Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701-5799. Gifts can also be made online .

For more information about making a donation or establishing a scholarship fund to support Penn College and its students, visit on the Web , call the Institutional Advancement Office toll free at (866) GIVE 2 PC, or e-mail .

Penn College is a special mission affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University, committed to applied technology education. With more than 6,600 students enrolled in bachelor-degree, associate-degree and certificate majors, the college has the second-highest enrollment in the Penn State system.

For more information about Penn College, visit online, call toll-free (800) 367-9222 or e-mail.