Penn College News

Industry Representatives Offer Real-World Perspective to Students

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pennsylvania College of Technology students learn from a panel of industry representatives Tuesday. From left are David Strayer, Lycoming County Landfill%3B David Eisenhooth, Metzler Forest Products%3B Mary Wile, Lift Inc.%3B Mark Wilkinson, Caterpillar Inc.%3B and program organizer Misty Kennard-Mayer, coordinator of matriculation and retention for the college's School of Natural Resources Management.Six studentsat Pennsylvania College of Technology's Schneebeli Earth Science Center got personalized career advice from four industry representatives Tuesday, the semester's final session of the School of Natural Resources Management's time-tested Student Success Program.

In an informal sitdown addressing "If I Knew Then What I Know Now," the quartet of real-life success stories David Strayer from the Lycoming County Landfill, David Eisenhooth from Metzler Forest Products, Mary Wile from Lift Inc. and Mark Wilkinson from Caterpillar Inc. shared their perspective with students from a variety of the school's majors.

The students, whoboth asked the questions and requested that certain career fields be represented on the panel, were given a variety of practical advice to include in their toolboxes when they leave Penn College and begin their first postgraduate jobs.

  • Communication skills are a crucial supplement to technical abilities. "Think about what you say rather than saying what you think."
  • Good grades (while vitally important) are only part of an overall employability picture that includes work ethic, desire to learn, timeliness, attitude, personality and character. "Any reputable company is going to care what your strengths are."
  • Beneficial relationships are built by asking the right questions of the right people. "You're not put in an ocean without a lifeguard."

Students inquired about the types of jobs available at the panelists' respective businesses, the availability of continuing education and new equipment to keep abreast of changing industry trends, and the types of training offered to new hires.

A free program offered at the Earth Science Center since the Fall 2001 semester, the SSP is required of all industry-sponsored students and scholarship recipients. With topics ranging from time management and test-taking to sexual harassment and job-retention skills, the program encompasses both the adjustment to college life and academic discipline, as well as behaviors necessary to gain (or maintain) employment.

For more information about the programs offered by the School of Natural Resources Management, call (570) 320-8038 or visit online.