Penn College News

Board Authorizes Continuation of 2006-07 Budgeted Levels

Friday, April 20, 2007

The Pennsylvania College of Technology Board of Directors on Thursday authorized the college to continue operating at 2006-07 budgeted levels after June 30 in the event the Legislature has not passed − and the governor has not signed − the 2007-08 state budget by then.

The board also met its soon-to-be newest member.

Kenneth S. Babe, who retired as corporate controller at Penn State in March, announced he will leave the Penn College Board in June. He introduced his successor, Joseph J. Doncsecz, to the other board members. Doncsecz became corporate controller at Penn State on April 1. His selection to the Penn College Board was made by The Corporation for Penn State.

The board approved the appointment of Steven Uzupis to the college's Corporate Advisory Board. Uzupis is CFO for Brodart Co. and has served on the Penn College Foundation Board.

"I think Steve will be an excellent asset," Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour said of Uzupis, who succeeds Carol Rosebrough.

Senior Vice President William J. Martin provided the board with a "snapshot" of progress being made on the goals stated in the college's Strategic Vision 2004-09.

Changes since 2004 that were noted by Martin include a doubling of the size and number of scholarship awards, an increase in the number of out-of-state students from 7.4 to 9.5 percent, 21 new business-and-industry initiatives, certification for 29 more majors, a 40-percent increase in summer enrollment, and an increase in the number of academic majors with work-based experiences, among others. He said the college is also committed to improving retention rates.

"We're making a very strong effort to study ourselves to make sure we're working stronger and better," he said.

Tom F. Gregory, dean of construction and design technologies, presented the board with the Middle States Periodic Review Report. The college's accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools was last reaffirmed (for 10 years) in 2002. The report, which is due in June, comes at the halfway point in the process.

Gilmour said the report will be reviewed by President's Council, internal Governance, the Corporate Advisory Board and the Penn College Board of Directors before being submitted to Middle States. It will also be the topic of the next President's Open Forum in May.

The board was informed that five faculty members have completed successful applications for promotions. They are:

  • Sandy Carlson, from instructor to assistant professor of mathematics, School of Integrated Studies
  • Christopher J. Holley, from instructor to assistant professor of automotive technology, School of Transportation Technology
  • Brad L. Nason, from assistant professor to associate professor of mass communications, School of Integrated Studies
  • Jeff B. Weaver, from assistant professor to associate professor of electronics, School of Industrial and Engineering Technologies
  • Daniel W. Yoas, from instructor to assistant professor of computer information technology, School of Business and Computer Technologies

Two sabbatical applications also have been approved for the 2007-08 academic year. They are:

Fall 2007

  • Tom A. Zimmerman, associate professor of psychology, who has agreed to serve as the lead faculty member for the 2007 honors program. He will prepare to mentor the student group through the themed experience exploring the four Great Cities of the Western World. He will design and arrange for a two-semester experience including seminars, on-campus events and study tours to New York City; Washington, D.C.; London; and Paris.

Spring 2008

  • George W. Matthews, assistant professor of ethics/philosophy, who will prepare for publishing an introductory textbook on the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. He has been teaching PHL 240 "Minds, Brains, and Computers" for five years. He has identified a distinct need for a text that presents a broad concept, is designed for a student audience, and includes a strong interactive component that explores the interrelations between cognition and computation.

In her information-item remarks to the board, Gilmour said the recent Career Expo event featured participation by 803 students and 124 employers.

Gilmour and Board Chairman Robert E. Dunham thanked two Student Government Association representatives − James Riedel, president, and Kirk M. Allen, executive vice president − who have faithfully attended board meetings in the past year.

At the beginning of Thursday's meeting, Dunham requested a moment of silence for the victims of Monday's tragedy at Virginia Tech.