Penn College News

Crime Alert: Police Investigating Residence-Hall Burglaries

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Penn College Police are investigating several burglaries that have occurred at Rose Street Apartments over the past three weeks. Several apartments in the Lancaster building were entered ,and personal items were stolen . These items include game stations, laptop computers and cash. Some of these burglaries occurred whilethe residentswere in the ir apartment s sleeping. All of the apartments entered appear to have be en left unlocked and unsecured.

Penn College Police are requestingthat anyone with information about th ese incident s call (570)327-4760 . Individuals may also submit information by completing the Silent Witness form on thePenn College Police Web site : Web site . Individuals submitting information may remain anonymous. Students are urged to keep their apartment doors locked at all times. This and other Penn College Police Crime Alerts are posted here .