Penn College News

College Publications, Web Site Garner National Recognition

Friday, February 16, 2007

Summer 2006 One College Avenue wins Silver Award in national competition.Pennsylvania College of Technology recently received awards in national competition for its quarterly magazine, college catalog and Internet home page.

Admissions Marketing Report, the national newspaper of admissions marketing, honored Penn College in its 22nd Annual Admissions Advertising Awards competition the nation's oldest, largest and most prestigious advertising awards competition, with more than 3,500 entries from every U.S. state and multiple foreign countries.

The Summer 2006 issue of the college's quarterly publication, One College Avenue, received a Silver Award in the "Newsletter" category for schools with enrollments of 5,000 to 9,999 students.

Titled "The Company We Keep," the magazine examined the college's connection to its vital corporate community, including an appreciation of alumnus/businessman James A. Asbury, generous scholarship and equipment donors, ever-supportive advisory committee members and students who commendably remain in the area after graduation.

College catalog merits prize in Admissions Marketing Report competition.Tom Wilson, a writer/editor in the college's news bureau, served as issue editor and wrote three of its articles; Sarah K. Patterson, graphic designer, designed the issue.

One College Avenue is developed in-house and distributed to more than 40,000 students, alumni, employees, retirees, donors, directors, board and committee members, and special friends of the college.

The college received Merit Awards in the "Internet/Worldwide Web" and "Catalog" categories, both in the same 5,000-to-9,999 enrollment group.

The simplified page offers easy access to pertinent information, which can be tailored to a viewer's specific audience, and emphasizes student accomplishment through photos and video clips from Penn College's eight academic schools and various campus services.

Like the Web page, the catalog is part of the college's overall "degrees that work" marketing initiative print, online and video materials that guide the activities of Pennsylvania's premier technical college.

The development, copywriting and editing for all three projects was done entirely in house by staff in the College Information and Community Relations Office.

Elaine J. Lambert, director, said. "It is an honor to be recognized nationally for work done entirely by staff. The work is greatly inspired by the testimonials of students, faculty and alumni, who contribute greatly to the success of all our marketing efforts by exemplifying our marketing position: 'degrees that work.'"

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