Penn College News

International Students Share Home Culture at PDC Reception

Monday, October 23, 2006

Mereike Hieber shares a sample of Old German writing About 40 attend International Reception in PDC Lizabeth Self Mullens displays Daruma An International Reception was held Oct. 18 in the PDC Mountain Laurel Room for about 40 international students, faculty (both international and those who support international programming), local host families for visiting students, and visitors from Tsuyama, Japan (five students and two professors). Some international students offered a bit of home culture: Mareike Hieber, Germany, shared Old German writing, like the Amish use in their Bibles; Essa Al Najrani and Abdullah Al Bahrani, Saudi Arabia, taught the guests some Arabic words and showed how a traditional male headdress is worn, as well as answering questions about Ramadan; and Joseph E. LeBlanc, physics instructor, told of the Daruma, a Japanese custom for making wishes, and presented one to Lizabeth Self Mullens, vice president for academic affairs/provost.(Photos by Phillip C. Warner, student writer-photographer)