Penn College News

Lutron Electronics Establishes Scholarship Fund

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Students in the electronics and computer engineering technology majors at Pennsylvania College of Technology will be able to apply for scholarships through a new fund recently established at the college.

The Lutron Scholarship Fund, established by the Lutron Foundation, will make two awards annually. One award of $250 will go to a qualified student entering the second year of study, and one award of $500 will go to a qualified student entering the third year of study.

Penn College offers a bachelor's degree in electronics and computer engineering technology, as well as an associate degree in that field with options for five different areas of focus.

Gregory C. Stanek, engineering specialist for Lutron Electronics Company Inc., and a member of Penn College's Electronics Technology Advisory Committee, said Lutron is proud to support Penn College's electronics and computer engineering technology majors.

"Penn College has an excellent electronics program that does a very good job of preparing its graduates to join the workforce and to begin a career," Stanek said. Lawrence J. Fryda, dean of Penn College's School of Industrial and Engineering Technologies, said the new scholarship is another positive development for students in the electronics and computer engineering technology majors.

"The program has recently been revised to reflect changes in the field and represents skills needed to be competitive in the international market place," Fryda said. "The graduate of today will see a rapidly changing employment environment, and this major is designed to keep them ahead of the learning curve. It represents an academically challenging as well as economically rewarding career option."

Applicants for awards from the Lutron Scholarship Fund must be enrolled full time in the electronics and computer engineering technology curriculum with a minimum grade-point average of 3.25, and, by the school's judgment, the student should demonstrate leadership qualities through involvement with professional groups or through campus or community service. In future years, preference will be given to previous recipients of the scholarship.

Lutron Electronics Company is based in Coopersburg. The company is a worldwide leader in lighting controls, with operations Brazil, China, England, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Spain.

For more information about Penn College's electronics and computer engineering technology majors, or any of the academic programs offered by the School of Industrial and Engineering Technologies at Penn College, call (570) 327-4520, send e-mail or visit on the Web.

For more information about establishing scholarships or making a gift to Penn College, call the Institutional Advancement Office at (570) 320-8020 or toll-free (866) GIVE-2-PC, send e-mail or visit online.