Penn College News

Sixth Annual 'Villapalooza' Unhampered by April Showers

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

RA Adam Sillaman emerges from the dunk tank 'Villapalooza' draws about 150 students for outdoor activities RA Rachell Hall shows off the event T-shirt 'Ember' performs outside The Village at Penn College Tuesday's rain didn't dampen the sixth annual "Villapalooza," as about 150 students attended the event organized by Village Resident Assistants Amanda Miller, Rachel Hall, Marisa Labosky, Sarah Landis, Adam Sillaman, Doug Bloom and Spyke Krepshaw. RAs at Penn College's residence-hall complexes regularly team up for large-scale spring events, and "Villapalooza" has been a campus tradition since 2001. This year's event featured the band, "Ember," whose lead singer, Joseph Bloom, is Doug's brother. Other activities included a pig roast anda "Dunk Your RA' tank. ( Photos by Phillip C. Warner, student writer/photographer)