Penn College News

Student Safety, Security Affirmed During SGA Meeting

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Panelists include college President Davie Jane Gilmour%3B J. Elliott Strickland, special assistant to the vice president for student affairs%3B and college police Chief Chris E. Miller.During Wednesday's Student Government Association meeting, college President Davie Jane Gilmour joined Penn College Police Chief Chris E. Miller and other Student Affairs administrators to address safety for students on campus and in Williamsport.

Penn College Police Chief Chris E. Miller addresses audience."Your safety and security is one of the most important things to us," she told the group. Gilmour told students the college has been working with city officials to express its opinions and concerns regarding safety. "I think it's fair to say our voice is truly being heard," she told the group, and said the college has been assured state and federal help have been called in to help the city.

Gilmour and Miller urged students to keep their eyes and ears open and report suspicious activity and to make wise decisions regarding their own safety, as college police continue to actively patrol both the campus and a 500-yard radius around it.

That already has paid off, said the president, who noted that crime in that area has dropped by 42 percent since the heightened patrols began.

Gilmour; Miller; Jill S. Landesberg-Boyle, vice president of student affairs; and J. Elliott Strickland, special assistant to the vice president of student affairs; also answered many student questions.