Penn College News

Crime Alert Update: Report of Off-Campus Robbery Determined to Be False

Friday, January 27, 2006

An investigation by the Williamsport Bureau of Police has determined that the report of a Jan. 20 off-campus robbery of a Pennsylvania College of Technology student was false. The student was not robbed and is facing the possibility of criminal charges for false reports to law-enforcement authorities. The student alleged being robbed at gunpoint at an off-campus apartment on West Third Street. The incident was reported to police on Jan. 24.

Penn College Police issue crime alerts so that students, faculty and staff can be alerted to potentially dangerous situations on and around campus and take appropriate precautions. The warnings are issued when the situation is considered to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. When false information is provided, it undermines the intent of the timely warnings.

While this report was false, students, faculty and staff are urged to continue taking appropriate precautions. Be security-conscious, and keep doors locked at all times. At night, walk on well-lighted sidewalks and walkways. Park as close as possible to any buildings you intend to enter. If possible, walk with another person. Call Penn College Police for an escort to any on-campus destination, if needed.

This and other Penn College Police Crime Alerts are posted here.