Penn College News

College to Offer 'Parent Career Fair' on Oct. 21

Thursday, October 21, 2004

It's never too early to begin exploring career possibilities for children, and parents of middle-school students will enjoy a unique opportunity when Pennsylvania College of Technology offers a "Parent Career Fair" on Oct. 21.

The event, which will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Field House on Penn College's main campus in Williamsport, is designed to help parents become involved in their children's career choices. It will help parents encourage their children to consider a wide variety of professions and focus on ways that education can help them achieve their career goals.

Representatives of employers who will be at the College earlier in the day for a Career Expo event for current Penn College students and alumni have been invited to participate.

Each of the eight academic schools at Penn College Business and Computer Technologies, Construction and Design Technologies, Health Sciences, Hospitality, Industrial and Engineering Technologies, Integrated Studies, Natural Resources Management, and Transportation Technology will offer displays and make faculty and staff available to discuss career opportunities.

Additional displays will address the importance of math, English, writing and reading skills in college and in the workforce.

A table staffed by representatives from the Counseling and Career Services Center at Penn College will feature a PowerPoint presentation and information on high-demand career fields, as well as professions that students may not have considered previously.

Another display will highlight the SMART Girls (Science and Math Applications in Real-World Technologies for Girls) initiative at Penn College, which addresses the gender gap in technology employment by exposing middle- and high-school students to career options in emerging technologies while strengthening their foundation in math and the sciences.

Free refreshments will be offered at tables staffed by School of Hospitality students at Penn College, who will prepare the food and be available to answer questions about the training and education required in their profession.

Pre-registration is not required for the event. For more information about the Parent Career Fair at Penn College, call (570) 327-4765.