Penn College News

'Women on Trial' Topic for March 21 Program at College Library

Friday, January 25, 2002

The fight for women's rights often has taken place in the courtroom, and some of those courtroom battles will be recounted March 21 when the Pennsylvania College of Technology Library celebrates Women's History Month by presenting "Women on Trial."

Susan B. Anthony was arrested and tried for voting. Margaret Sanger was put on trial for daring to promote birth control for married women. For "Women on Trial," Margaret J. Sedam, access services manager at the library; and Joann L. Eichenlaub, circulation assistant, will examine court cases to illustrate how women's rights have advanced over the centuries.

Specifically, the presentation will address nonconformity, punishment, the rights of citizenship, reproductive rights, family law and the workplace.

The program, which is free and open to the public, will be presented at 6:30 p.m. in the library, located in the Learning Resources Center at Penn College. Light refreshments will be available.

For more information about the Penn College Library, call (570) 327-4523 or visit on the Web.