Penn College News

Governor Names Faculty Member to Aviation Advisory Committee

Sunday, August 27, 2000

Gov. Tom Ridge has appointed James E. Doebler, associate professor of aviation at Pennsylvania College of Technology, to the state's newly established Aviation Advisory Committee.

Doebler, a resident of Muncy Valley, has taught at Penn College since 1988. He received his letter of notification from the governor this week.

"I"m honored and privileged, and I'm looking forward to serving for the betterment of aviation in the state," Doebler said of his appointment.

The 25-member Aviation Advisory Committee, which was created by an act of the state Legislature in 1999, is part of the Bureau of Aviation in the state Department of Transportation. Its primary purpose is to advise the governor and the secretary of transportation on aviation matters.

The committee will hold an organizational meeting in September and will meet quarterly after that. Included among the committee's 25 members are 19 appointees from the public with extensive knowledge of air-transportation activities in Pennsylvania.

Doebler, who is a graduate of Penn College's predecessor, the Williamsport Area Community College, currently serves as department head at the College's Lumley Aviation Center at the Williamsport Regional Airport. He received Penn College's Master Teacher Award in 1995, the highest honor bestowed upon faculty.

Doebler also has worked in the aviation industry as an instructor, a maintenance-shop supervisor and an airframe and powerplant mechanic .