Penn College News

Video Production Captures National Award

Monday, February 16, 1998

A video produced by Pennsylvania College of Technology's Office of Instructional Technology and Media Services has captured an "Award of Distinction" in a national competition.

The production won its award in the education category of The Communicator Awards, an awards organization which recognizes outstanding work in the communications field.

Produced by Bruce E. Huffman, College producer/videographer, the video focused on women in the culinary arts and featured Traci Des Jardins, one of the nation's top chefs who visited Penn College as part of its Visiting Chef Series in 1997. The College's School of Hospitality facilities were prominently featured in the production. Also featured were faculty members Monica Lanczak and Mary Trometter, and hospitality students Susan Wilt, of York; Shannon Berry, of Millerton; and Marie Lucas, of Morris Run.

There were 2,912 entries from 47 states and five other countries in The Communicator Awards competition. Winners hail from video production companies, independent producers, directors, writers, videographers, editors, and other production professionals, corporate communications departments, government entities, broadcast and cable operations, advertising and public relations agencies as well as other businesses and individuals. Entries are judged by a panel of professionals who look for talent which exceeds a high standard of excellence and which can serve as a benchmark for the industry.

The Communicator Awards is a sister organization to The Videographer Awards, which honored Penn College's marketing video with a similar award last year.