Student Experience
Leading In and Out of the Classroom
Hallie spent her summer working as a Link - a student leader who helps out with the orientation process for incoming students.
When she first came to Penn College, Hallie was a little quiet. But she had a big goal—to be a video game developer. After making new friends, getting to know her professors, and joining a few student organizations, she felt a sense of belonging and motivation to succeed. Now that she’s in her senior year in the Game & Simulation program, she can't wait for the opportunities ahead.
I chose Game & Simulation Programming because I have been immersed in the world of video games from a young age. I was amazed at the creative possibilities this career path has to offer and wanted to be able to share what I experienced with others around the world.
Challenging yourself is always important as it gives you a chance to improve and even experience more opportunities you might not have thought you’d ever see yourself in before. Being at Penn College, I am constantly challenging and pushing myself to strive for improvement so that I can stand out among the crowd and inspire others to do the same.
I know for my major specifically, there is only a small handful of women, but this doesn’t deter me from my work or experience here at Penn College. I am given the same respect and treated the same as everyone else. There are times when I even forget that I am part of the minority in this demographic.
Do it. Pursue your dream career. Do whatever you can to make your dream a reality. There are so many opportunities out there for women in STEM fields. You just have to be willing to branch out of your comfort zone and strive to challenge yourself whenever you can.
Hallie spent her summer working as a Link - a student leader who helps out with the orientation process for incoming students.
"In five years, I see myself working with a design team for a large corporation that specializes in video game development."
Hallie Harriman
Video Game Developer. Leader. STEM Pioneer.
Master the technical skills to create games and interactive user experiences.
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