Agricultural Energy Assessments
Learn more about renewable energy or energy efficiency for your farm or small business.
On-site energy assessments
The Clean Energy Center conducts on-site energy assessments for farms and small businesses through various assistance programs. Our professionals utilize their backgrounds in agricultural production and energy efficiency to analyze operations and utility usage to identify site-specific energy savings opportunities.
The Center has established relationships with trade allies that specialize in many areas such as solar, lighting, and agricultural equipment, which help us accurately estimate costs and quantities needed for energy efficiency upgrades. Our energy assessment reports quantify the savings and return on investment of each recommended renewable and energy efficiency upgrade, which helps the owner prioritize which energy savings projects to pursue.
This ground mount solar array was installed at a business as a result of an onsite energy assessment, with recommendations from a trade ally. This renewable energy system provides a cost effective clean energy solution to meet their electricity needs. Photo courtesy of Smucker’s Energy & Irion Lumber.