Penn College News

Wellness Fair creates connections, builds community

Friday, April 19, 2024

Photos by Matt Deane, student photographer

Making connections on campus, in the community and with self care was the focus of the third annual Wildcat Wellness Fair. Held recently on a rainy April day, the popular event provided a refuge in the Bush Campus Center for weather-weary, kindred-craving Penn College students and employees. Also in attendance were about 40 young students from Dauphin County Technical School, who were on campus for a Dual Enrollment event.

With the theme of "Building Community and Creating Connections," the event centered on making connections in the present, with some attention placed on connecting to the past (with the presence of the Lycoming County Genealogical Society) and to the future (with Alumni Relations).

Among those hosting the event was the Positive Psychology (PSY 410) class, focusing part of its studies on the mental health and wellness of the individual within the community and how each contributes to the health, success and happiness of the other.

Other sponsoring groups were Counseling Services, Campus Recreation & Wellness, Student Engagement and Residence Life. Athletics also participated as part of the NCAA Division III Week, celebrating the positive impact athletics has on campus and surrounding communities.

Furry faces of wellness: Indy and Winnie, ever-popular therapy dogs, make their return to campus for the third annual Wellness Fair.

For those craving color on a rainy day, beaded bracelets do the trick!

Hands-on happiness! The ConCreate Club gives fair attendees the opportunity to mix up some fast-setting concrete to craft small items, such as coasters and succulent planters. Crafters could also add color to customize pieces.

Lycoming County Genealogical Society members share information on connecting with the past.

Indy is "all in" and paws on!

Dauphin County students step up to a table staffed by Resident Assistant Sara A. Halligan (seated). Here, fair-goers build their own to-go treats from a variety of tastes (sour, savory, bitter, salty, sweet).

A couple other Dauphin County visitors enjoy a wood puzzle, among the activities offered by The Dr. Welch Workshop: A Makerspace at Penn College ...

... including this community craft project presenting a challenge and a few laughs as it evolves.

Among student groups staffing tables: the Black Student Union and ...

... the Student Veteran Organization, spreading kindness one table at a time.

Signing (and savoring) a conversation are Heidi E. Roupp, disability and access resources specialist, and students.

Aaaaahhhhhh ... we can't forget to mention massage!

Journaling supplies are offered by Penny Griffin Lutz, director of The Gallery at Penn College.

Among the community representatives: these smiling STEP Inc. faces

Wrapping it up: "Wildcat Blankets of Gratitude" shared by Student Engagement assistants Dominick P. Bozza (standing) and Ralph R. Courtright III.