Penn College News

Wildcat Egg Hunt rolls into 10th year

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Photos provided by Chet Beaver, assistant director of student advocacy for veterans/military, and nursing student Cadence J. Copson, who serves in the Army National Guard

A mad scramble!

The 10th anniversary of the Wildcat Egg Hunt enjoyed an egg-static reception from about 200 eager egg hunters and their adoring fans. The Student Veteran Organization dotted Penn College lawns with nearly 3,800 eggs, and the youngsters came a-runnin’!

“I just think it has been so special watching some of the kids grow up with the hunt,” said Chet Beaver, assistant director of student advocacy for veteran and military resources. “Some came to the first one and were barely able to walk, and now they are hunting for their final year at 10 years old.”

Open to children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews of students and employees, the event is divided into three age groups: 3 and under (outside The Victorian House), 4-6 (on the Thompson Professional Development Center lawn), and 7-10 (along the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center).

Although launched in 2013, this year marked the eighth year of the frolic. (It wasn’t held for two years due to the pandemic.) With inclement weather in the forecast on the original date, the recent gathering was postponed one day, and a seasonal, sunny Sunday greeted the guests. Yet another fun “Penn College family” event is in the bag (basket or bucket).

All eyes are on the egg!

The Victorian House lawn is bespeckled with treasure.

Carving out their own little niche in the yard are Sarah R. Yoder and her son. Yoder is coordinator of admissions operations.

Taking a rest on a rock (because, whew, this egg hunting is tough work!)

Cute and warm pink hats for the win!

The PDC lawn offers ample opportunity for an "egg-cellent" adventure.

Wherever there are cute kids, there are parents capturing the moment with their cell phones.

An early spring day on campus hops with activity.

And the race is on!

Michael J. Hersh, instructional development specialist, enjoys the fun event with his son.

That's a WTI hat on that kiddo! (We always appreciate those nods to the college's history and predecessor institutions.)

A Wildcat blue sky highlights another "Penn College family" tradition.