With eyes on the sky and a wide range of career options, Pennsylvania College of Technology’s emergency management & homeland security major staged its inaugural Wildcat Rotorfest on April 11.
With an ideal spring day as a backdrop, the event showcased a variety of emergency response vehicles – including helicopters and ground-support vehicles – for the enjoyment and education of Penn College students enrolled in various majors, as well as high school and middle school students from 11 schools. Students were able to engage in up-close contact with the equipment and operators.

A Dolphin helicopter, flown from Atlantic City, N.J., by the U.S. Coast Guard, departs Pennsylvania College of Technology during the inaugural Wildcat Rotorfest, held April 11.
“Rotorfest 2023 was a great day!” said William A. Schlosser, instructor of emergency management and homeland security. “It was an opportunity to connect future Wildcats with campus, current Wildcats with employers and welcome Wildcat alumni back to campus. This experience was invaluable to our emergency management students, who staffed the event and assisted with all the preplanning.”
For the occasion, the U.S. Coast Guard flew in a Dolphin helicopter from Atlantic City, New Jersey; two Black Hawk helicopters, stationed at Fort Indiantown Gap, arrived courtesy of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard; and Pennsylvania State Police shared one of its Bell helicopters.
Also on hand was equipment from the North Central Task Force, Williamsport Bureau of Police and Fire, and North Central Pennsylvania Unmanned Emergency Services (Tioga County Department 50, also known as “Drone 50”). Williamsport Regional Airport Tower and Penn College Police provided logistical support. Geisinger Life Flight was also scheduled to participate but was called into action for an emergency.
Schlosser originated the idea for Rotorfest and then shared the assignment with his Incident Command System Operations class, which explores multi-agency coordination of various types of disasters and incidents. Each student was appointed a role for the event, encompassing such areas as planning, safety, logistics and communications.

One of two Black Hawk helicopters showcased at Penn College’s inaugural Wildcat Rotorfest receives a great deal of attention at the April 11 event. The two aircraft, stationed at Fort Indiantown Gap, were flown to the college by the Pennsylvania Army National Guard.
This experience was invaluable to our emergency management students, who staffed the event and assisted with all the preplanning.
William A. Schlosser
Instructor of emergency management and homeland security
Serving as operations section chief for the event, Colten C.B. Hajicek, a student from Redmond, Washington, was inspired by Rotorfest and its lasting potential for his career.
“It’s just an excellent experience overall, especially being a part of this,” Hajicek said. “I’m a freshman, so being able to help run this with my instructor, who has helped set it up, is a great experience. This is something I could definitely use in the future.”
“We have multiple different agencies here talking to students from all different majors,” he continued. “They’re here to recruit, give information and show the kids here what they could do after college. It’s really great to see all the tours for the younger kids, showing them what Penn College is all about, what majors we have and what they could look forward to when they come here. And it’s a beautiful day for it – sunny and 75 (degrees).”
Participating high schools were: East Juniata, Juniata, Montoursville Area, North Penn-Liberty, Sullivan County, Williamson, and Technical College High School’s Brandywine, Pennock’s Bridge and Pickering campuses (located in Chester County). Also joining the day were SUN Area Technical Institute, Harlan Rowe Middle School from Athens, and local Civil Air Patrol cadets. Most of the students are enrolled in Penn College Dual Enrollment courses at their schools, receiving college-level classes and free college credits.
“K-12 Outreach really enjoyed the collaboration with our emergency management program and the college community to bring over 200 dual enrollment students, as well as other K-12 students, to Rotorfest,” said Tanya Berfield, director of K-12 Outreach. “It was a great opportunity to showcase Penn College programs and the pathways to military and emergency response careers.”
The event was especially attractive to students interested in emergency management and response, aviation and medical fields; however, other career fields also aligned with the opportunity.

Spectators at Rotorfest enjoy some up-close exposure to a Bell helicopter operated by the Pennsylvania State Police.
In addition to the outdoor displays on the front lawns of the college campus, lab sessions were offered by eight Penn College majors: aviation technology, building construction, electronics engineering technology, heavy equipment, nursing, paramedic, surgical technology, and plastics & polymer engineering technology. Each major plays a role in emergency response in some way. As an example, the plastics field creates equipment utilized by emergency responders.
Jillian Bilal, academic remediation specialist at TCHS Pennock’s Bridge Campus, located in West Grove, said: “I thought the event was amazing. It was well-planned out. I loved the structured events and the groups that led us; our tour guide was amazing. And my students had a really fantastic time. They loved the free time, and they loved the structured activities, so it was a great day.”
Penn College offers a Bachelor of Science degree in emergency management & homeland security – with on-campus and online options.
For more about Penn College, a national leader in applied technology education, email the Admissions Office or call toll-free at 800-367-9222.
Photos by Cindy Davis Meixel, writer/photo editor;
Larry D. Kauffman, digital publishing specialist/photographer;
Barbara J. Stevens, secretary of K-12 Outreach;
Frank T. Kocsis III, student photographer;
and Sarah R. Yoder, coordinator of admissions operations

In one of eight lab experiences, offering visiting K-12 students a glimpse into majors aligning with emergency response careers, guests from Sullivan County High School engage in a heavy construction equipment demonstration in the Le Jeune Chef parking lot.

Visitors from SUN Area Technical Institute explore high-tech and high-touch in a Penn College nursing lab.

The Penn College Wildcat is bookended by the stars of the day: emergency management students and instructor David E. Bjorkman (in plaid shirt).

Children and staff from the college’s Dunham Children’s Learning Center were among the campus community taking in the glorious spring spectacle.

Camo can't hide the Penn College pride of these alumni in service to their country. From left are Diego Wilson, Samuel Van Loon, Dane Boltz, Craig Robbins, Frank Madeira and Roberto Valentin. All are in the Army National Guard except for Valentin, who is in the Navy Reserve.

A crew of engineering design students enthusiastically supports the designs of the day.

At their new Mobile Command Post, an ambulance donated by Fike Services LLC, a few of the emergency management & homeland security students pause to pose with Logan Fike (at center), owner of the Watsontown business that repairs and services emergency vehicles.

It’s always an extra-special day when the Wildcat joins the fun! Here, the campus celebrity mingles with Children’s Learning Center fans.

Pfc. Cade Shower (left), of the U.S. Army 337th Engineering Unit based in Danville, shows an Army ambulance to Jared L. Critchfield, an engineering design technology student from Somerset.

A spontaneous Frisbee session is enjoyed by Montoursville Area High School students.

Walking from a lab experience to the front lawns of campus is this happy group from SUN Area Technical Institute

Matthew Stevens (in background), a volunteer with “Drone 50” (North Central Pennsylvania Unmanned Emergency Services, Tioga County Department 50) shares the excitement of “flight” with K-12 visitors in the lobby of The Madigan Library.

Jubilation in the sky ...

... and abundant smiles on the ground.

Michael R. Robison, aviation instructor, puts some finishing touches on a model aircraft for a Technical College High School visitor.

As the state police helicopter lifts off, throngs gather.

Beneath Old Glory, the magnitude and majesty of a Black Hawk helicopter graces the lawn of the Davie Jane Gilmour Center.

Civil Air Patrol cadets and others hold their cellphones to capture a helicopter ascent.

The Penn College Police department provides logistical support throughout the day.

Schlosser (left) enjoys the inaugural event with Penn College President Michael J. Reed and students.

Army veteran Raul A. Carbajal, a human services & restorative justice student, tours the displays with his family and service dog Remus.

Always a welcome visitor to campus – Drew Seeling, building and construction teacher at Wellsboro Area Senior High, stops by for a “test flight.” Seeling is the grandson of Kenneth E. Carl, former president of Williamsport Area Community College and director of Williamsport Technical Institute, the forerunners of Penn College.

Welding & fabrication engineering technology students get an inside glimpse of one of the Black Hawk helicopters (seated from left): Stephen F. Goodwin, Ellicott City, Md.; Michael Patrick Fulton, Sykesville, Md.; and Ryan Thomas Blythe, Center Valley; and (reclining) Joel A. Henschel, Collegeville.

Chester County high school students enjoy the grandeur of the day – complete with Black Hawk helicopters.

Visitors were encouraged to climb on and into the variety of ground-support vehicles supplied by the Pennsylvania Army National Guard and others.

Ever the explorer, Rob Cooley, associate professor of anthropology/environmental science, checks out a Black Hawk’s interior and instrument panel.

Aviation maintenance instructor Matthew D. Krepps (at center, in purple) leads a group of students around the field for up-close conversation and inspection. The radio communications and navigation students talked with pilots about antennas and onboard systems, and took photos of specific components to share with classmates next week.

A Black Hawk expectedly draws the curious, eager for a better look.

Schlosser (far left) and his emergency management & homeland security students pose for a celebratory image at the end of a successful undertaking.

Per their usual level of campus participation, Erin S. and Walter J. Shultz step up to the plate (and flag) to enjoy the event. Erin is career and alumni engagement manager; Walter is a Navy veteran and director of educational and emerging technologies.

The Dolphin touches down.

Not a sight we see every day at Penn College! A tank departs at the event's conclusion.

As the two Black Hawk helicopters leave (at left in the air and at right lifting off the lawn), crowds of spectators form below the flag and along the fountains' edge.

Chester County students enjoy a photo op at a campus hallmark: a motorcycle created by Penn College welding students and renowned metal artist Rae Ripple.

Delighted to be temporarily taking charge of the Coast Guard helicopter are the littlest ones on campus – kids from the Children’s Learning Center.

A ray of sunshine beams down on Wildcat and Katie C. Burke, veterans services specialist and a Pennsylvania Army National Guard veteran.

The Wildcat is joyfully mobbed by an energetic ensemble from SUN Area Technical Institute.

Reporting for duty! The mascot savors a moment in the sun with the Army National Guard.

A pilot takes a much-deserved "five."

There's plenty to see and learn about in the Davie Jane Gilmour Center parking lot ...

... including this LMTV (light medium tactical vehicle) used for troop transport and hauling equipment.

The colorful Coast Guard aircraft commands attention.

An overhead view affirms the caliber of the event, with a coordinated and comprehensive assembly of air and ground equipment.

Tomorrow makers never know what today will bring!