Penn College News

Students Attend 'Leader of the Pack' Retreat

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Student leaders gather in Penn's Inn for daylong retreat.More than 15 first-year Pennsylvania College of Technology students took a break from studying Saturday to participate in the inaugural student leadership retreat titled "Leader of the Pack." The retreat, organized by the local chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary and Residence Life staff members, was designed to help emerging first-year student leaders meet other students while building leadership skills and self-awareness.

Activities provide opportunity for students to learn more about one another. NRHH is a vital part of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls Inc. It is designed to give local, regional and national recognition to students making outstanding contributions to on campus living at their college and/or university. NACURH firmly believes in the value of student involvement in residence life through community service, social, educational and diversity programs.

Saturday's retreat was no exception, as first-year students contributed vast amounts of their personal time in an effort to make their own Penn College experience more meaningful throughout this daylong leadership event.

Several individuals (NRHH Executive Board, Residence Life staff and a faculty member) made this event possible. Residence Life sincerely appreciates all their time and efforts in making this event a success.

( Photos provided by Residence Life)