Connected by Stitch
2016 Exhibit Dates
Connected by Stitch is a collection of fiber based artwork by Pennsylvania regional members of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA). The juried exhibition showcases a wide range of 2D and 3D fiber art, and highlights the diverse styles and techniques of a medium that prioritizes aesthetic value over utility. Working with fiber stretches back to ancient times and has grown and developed across the centuries into a vibrant art form encompassing a variety of materials and processes from low to high tech. Today’s fiber artists create beauty, provoke thought, resist convention, and challenge the status quo.
All the artists included in the exhibition are members of Studio Art Quilt Associates, an international non-profit organization whose mission is to promote art quilts and fiber artists. SAQA mounts museum-quality exhibitions that travel the world.
Connected By Stitch was juried by New Mexico mixed media artist Joshua Willis and curated by SAQA Pennsylvania Regional Representative, Meredith Eachus Armstrong.