Inspired by Donor Support
Published 11.12.2020

by MaryW
Information Assurance & Cyber Security student
Mary Watts is a senior at Pennsylvania College of Technology, majoring in Information Assurance & Cyber Security. She is vice president of the ISA organization on campus. When Mary isn’t busy in class or working as a student college relations assistant, she enjoys relaxing at home and spending time with her family.
Mary, who is from Quakertown, shares insights on her Penn College experience.
What is your dream job?
I would love to travel all over the world and work from anywhere as long as I had a laptop and internet connection. Pen testing, more specifically cryptography, is something I would really like to do.
How are faculty and staff empowering you to achieve your goals?
The faculty and staff truly inspire me to be successful and try my hardest in what I do. They want to see all students succeed. They are there for you whether you want to ask questions about class, seek advice or just chat. I’m grateful for them. Dr. Gorka and Dr. Miller are like my parents away from home.
What makes you “Penn College Proud?”
The kindness and support of the Penn College community impress me. I’ve always been a rather solemn person; however, the people and staff members here are very kind and are easy to speak with. I also love my school because of the hands-on programs. Gaining experience through doing rather than only seeing is amazing.
How does donor support inspire you?
Knowing that people support us and want us to succeed is extremely inspirational. I’m very grateful for this.
What characteristic do you believe all “Tomorrow Makers” share?
Everyone has their own individual experience here, but I think all of us share a common outcome — a future made by hand.
What advice do you have for freshmen in the Information Assurance & Cyber Security program?
The first couple of classes are difficult. They’re meant to really test you to see if the program is for you. Just because something is difficult doesn’t mean you should give up. The professors want to help you, but you must take the first step in asking them for help.
What’s your favorite memory as an Information Assurance & Cyber Security student?
It was in my cryptography class with Dr. Miller. We had to do these cipher assignments, and they were very challenging. When I figured out the correct key to a cipher and was able to clearly read the message, it was the best feeling. I’ll never forget it.
What has been your most memorable moment as a Student College Relations Assistant?
It was definitely being part of the Foundation Dinner and Auction. It was amazing to see individuals come together that night to raise over $100,000 for student scholarships. Being able to interact with the donors and hear about their experiences was inspiring and fun.
How do you see the Penn College community “Transforming Tomorrow, Together?”
All of us have a different experience going through our programs, but in the end, we’re helping to change the future and transform tomorrow with our own hands.