Today's Forecast: Steamy, Sticky ... and Deliciously Gooey

Published 07.17.2013


An assembly line crafts multilayered goodness.Chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers await the magic of Camp ESCAPE's Amazing Instamelt Ovens.Sticky climate no deterrent to camping kickballers.A postgame breather, while dessert heats up.Chloe Skaluba (whose mother, Shannon, is the Student Activities information center assistant), wears a telltale trace of chocolate.Youngsters at Penn College's Camp ESCAPE put a solar spin on a cookout tradition Wednesday afternoon, harnessing the sun's blazing rays to make s'mores outside the Field House. Intramural assistant Jeremy R. Bottorf and his culinary team of campers and student assistants combined the ingredients for the yummy treats, which were "cooked" in makeshift ovens fashioned from aluminum foil-lined pizza boxes. Throw in a little kickball, a dash of camaraderie and some laid-back time in the shade, and it was a recipe for summer fun – no campfire required.
Photos by Whitnie-Rae Mays, student photographer